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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. Are you talking about green-coins thing?

    you can get right steam id by typing into console "status" (without "") and search there your steam id which looks like STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXXX. something like that. then go to server and there will be box asking confirmation.

    Edit: check that steam ID is YOURS. first time i put wrong guys steam ID :D

  2. Puhu vapaasti suomeksi/suomalaisista asioista, kuten mr. greenist, pelaamisesta, tyypeistä, säästä? asioista joita vain suomalaiset kestää tai jota ei pitäs päästä muitten korvaan (nobana hiljaa tästä!) mutta silti toivottavasti pitää puhtaana ;D

    permission from Ywa (just in case)

    toivottasti tämä elää B)

  3. Avatar (poor 3D, but it's still 3D) - Anaglyph - Red/Cyan


    nice picture. but move pictures little bit closer. you can send me rare picture so i can try :D. something else isnt right there... cant see what

    Avatar (poor 3D, but it's still 3D) - Anaglyph - Red/Cyan


    This dont work on the glasses i got on Avatar movie :s

    they are polarized. you need special monitor to see this, and special program to do this

  4. Ok. heres very easy tutorial making 3D pictures, which work with 3D glasses which have colors (red/blue. red/green or red/cyan).

    You need: camera (if picture is from real life) and some easy 3D maker (i use AnaMaker)

    1.Picture. get 2 pictures, left and right side,

    - if you are getting from real life. place camera to solid platform, take first you "left" image, then move camera 4-6cm (space between eyes) to right (dont roll it or anything else) and take other picture

    -if you taking from game, like source games, do it like in reality, just remember put HUDs off (r_drawhud 0) and weapons (cl_drawviewmodels 0) so you got clear screen, and when moving from left image to right. just crouch and tap once right button. there you go

    2.Making 3D image. open up your 3D program, i suggest AnaMaker. load you images (remeber both one was right and left) and press "make 3D image".

    3.Making it better. move your other picture that they are 1. at same hight and 2. not too far from each others. and remember that if you have etc. red/blue selected, red picture is left and blue right. You can also change color types on left.

    hope this helped

  5. thats sad there is SO many different 3D glasses which have different colors, they are all same expect colors. i dont get it why....

    polarized glasses + color made 3D + picture working with these = are bests, but,,, well you need colored polarized glasses

  6. every time 2 or more guys are talkin something else than dutch or english on mic OR someone have an crappy mic that breaks sounds from. gots muted when admin around, i have rarely seen warning thought

  7. hmm... i think i can make them working with polarize, could you descripe what that image/video looks like without glasses.

    I think all pics looks the same without 3d glasses-

    like this:

    hmm... no. i think these are for polarized. if i understanded manual right



    i used just test pics. but pls,,, try your polarized glasses on these

  8. User: What is my name?

    Cleverbot: Jabberwacky.

    User: Why I am talking to the dump AI?

    Cleverbot: I don't know.

    User: You are dump=.

    Cleverbot: That's right. But who is this jubberwacky?

    well. this is smartest bot i have seen yet. but still some working on it. well of course this is VERY hard to make

    Cleverbot: I'm in love with a boy and I don't know what to do.

    User: First you stalk him until you get to a dark area when he's alone, then you pull your meat out and jumps onto him! And that's how love is made, Mr Robot.

    Cleverbot: I'm secretly a computer-woman-pumpkin king-computer-drift king-elf lord-dinosaur. What's YOUR problem?


    it says it cant do math. but it(SHE????) have a feelings????

  9. Cleverbot: How are you?

    Cleverbot (To myself): I am good. How are you?

    Cleverbot (To myself): Good.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Where are you?

    Cleverbot (To myself): At home, hbuu?

    Cleverbot (To myself): At home, too.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Oh, good! :).

    Cleverbot (To myself): How old are you?

    Cleverbot (To myself): OVER 9000.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Ok.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Where are you?

    Cleverbot (To myself): At home.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Where is your home?

    Cleverbot (To myself): Where do I live?

    Cleverbot (To myself): Yes, where do you live?

    Cleverbot (To myself): Hello.

    Cleverbot (To myself): Hello, is that in southern Italy?

    made him to talk himslef... even AI cant understand talking to himslef

  10. yes... breakfloor is nice, but maybe more minigames... i tried css funn server today and my opion is that more minigames. when map is ending and map vote show up, there is at least 2 "normal" css fight map (new maps, but you buy weapons and kill)

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