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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. Removing viruses (trojans) is pain in ass, if you dont have right removal program, you dont do shit with it. Always it makes some code to register or "backup" or sumthin... thats why i hate viruses, they are like HIV, you cant get rid of it, but you can slow it down.

    PS: I dont mean every virus is hard to remove, some fu*king trojans are.

    PSS: I have re-installed windows 2 times because viruses, and they werent small tiny little pitty things...

    I know how you weel... and i VERY sry for you.

    Hope you fix it soon. ;)

  2. Wattage is not everything, you also need a quality parts in the psu.

    hmmh... i tookt your opinion about psu ("dont safe money") and i found this

    Cooler Master Silent Pro 700W with 115€, good?

    I have this one, and I can confirm it's good. I do suggest you go a bit lower when it comes to wattage, 600W or even 500W-550W will do the job.

    Stick with CoolerMaster though.

    well... there where i am going to buy these parts, are only 2 CoolerMaster psus. and other one is 500W>, i will take this one :D

    but i was wondering, when i read detailed things about this psu.

    Mayco, so you got this psu? do it have enough wires?

  3. 1. I would recommend you to get a brand power supply (enermax, tagan, seasonic, corsair)

    2. Your case is enough for a HD5850

    3. No. (You should buy a better CPU cooler if you are going to OC)

    4. Don't worry too much about that. A HD5850 is a decent card.

    Also, good decision that you buy an ATI card :)

    Could you send us the link from the shop?

    1. I will see if i got money

    2. good

    3. hmmh... well i have survived untill this with normal Fan, but i will see :D

    could i send link from the shop... no. its finnish :D

    Edit: I will buy other psu, IF thats not enough (in power i mean) is 530W enough for all of this.

  4. If you have the money I would rather go with the i7-920 than the 860

    hmmh. i found these i7-920 processor with smaler price.

    This one i would get ASAP: Intel Core i7 930 2,8GHz

    and this is in lower price but takes weeks to come:

    Intel Core i7 920 2,66GHz

    should i take i7-920. Earlier one has some things in it.

    What is it better in -920?

  5. Your clockspeed is sort of important. The i7 at 2.8 GHz beats a Dual Core CPU at 3.1 GHz any day of the week. Don't worry about it too much.

    okey. thanks :D.

    heres updates.

    Graph Card: Asus DIRECTCU/2DIS/1GD5 Radeon HD 5850 1GB

    Case: Cooler Master Elite 335

    Power source: Nexus NX-5000 R3 530W 82 Plus

    heres some questions... again.

    1. Is my power source good enough? (there wasnt any new Cooler master made)

    2. Is my case bug enough? i tookt them from normal size section :unsure:

    3. Do i NEED (NEED!!!) get more fans or cooling system?

    4. Is grap cards CPU clockspeed important? this card got 725Mhz

  6. thanks for all tips :D.

    I will check ATI cards, friends have said much about them, like they are better than Nvidia in lower price.

    just because ppl have said many thing about this, is CPUs clock regenzies (if thats called, in my list 2.8Ghz) big thing? because now i got old Intels dual core with 3.1 Ghz.

    I will update my new list soon, i will take 1. ATI card 2. case and power suply in different order.

    Also, make sure you take a big enough case. The HD5870/GTX470 are quite big cards.

    Isnt cases in sizes like Small, normal and large?

  7. So... i am in need of new computer (also because littlebrother needs own computer,) i have builded computer before and i know something about parts, but because this gonna cost about 1100€, i want to know your intelegents and knowlage about these.

    So parts what i am going to buy.

    Motherboard: Asus P7P55D Intel P55 LGA1156 (122€)

    Graphics Card: Gigabyte GV-N470D5-13I-B NVIDIA GeForce GTX470 1280 MB (373€)

    Case: Antec Sonata III 500 *WITH* 500W ATX12V v. 2.0 power source (100€)

    RAM memory: Corsair 4GB (2X2GB) DDR3 1333MHz kit XMS3 DHX (148€)

    Processor: Intel Core i7-860 2.80GHz (327€)

    Harddrive: already got

    That makes 1073€ + Shipping (maybe 20-40€) + Windows 7 update from Vista

    Is my case big enough? Do i have enough power? Do i need better cooling system?

    budjet is like 1100 max for parts.

    Computer is for HARD video and effects (video making needs a LOT power) and MEDIUM-HARD gaming

    Thanks ;)

  8. just came back from school and looked at comments. I think telling what are the bad things can be ok because it will improve it, as long as you dont do it all the way and say good things about it aswell. The Zombine was chosen because Pufulet is a Zombine. I told MiF that the Pufulet is too long. I to think the flashlight looks abit funny, but in a way it was required to see the damn zombine... kept missing him after 10 tries X))

    People dont know what a pain is to video, where is video from gmod (acting) when you have tried it like three times. Also actor with anyoing littlebrother, who keeps coming to computer all the time... huh! Also my Fraps started to play with me, and Gmod console joined in, and they didnt record... :X. But it was fun to make this.

    I thank you all for critics and comments of anykind, i dont meant to be offensive at any momment.

  9. So my criticism is that if it is too long, people might just fast forward it to the start of the movie which you publish. Meaning they won't see your glorius name.

    true, but if you have something intresting in it (like video of game), i think ppl watch it to until some text apears.

    offtopic: sry double post :S

  10. hmmh...

    Changing model: not an option.

    more faster: nope, but pufulet part can be shorter

    remove "click" sound: i dont see problem on that.

    Flashlight off: why off? no light bugs or anything, fits on darkeness at my personal opinion.

    also, this isnt fully ready yet, so thanks about negative comments for tips, how to make.

  11. My perfect admin (lol):

    - Active on the server he's admin on (atleast 1/2 hours per day).

    - When not playing on the server online at IRC Steam to assist in case of an emergency.

    - Checks and posts on the forums several times per day (both server related and off-topic talk).

    Because really, the TF2 forum has nothing on there. Old news threads, a few hundred crosshair threads and that's it. Nobody posts. Off-topic? No point. There are plenty of people I know well on the TF2 servers that I chat to in-game and on Steam chat. The forums aren't a real indication of 'the community' since the majority don't use the forums.

    As someone who plays every single day in our TF2 servers, this is what I would look for in an admin.

    "I agree" -Teal'c from Stargate

  12. i haz tat program.

    u can give me a tutorial for an intro :D

    its not just one tutorial... but heres some.

    Youtube search: After effects basics (learn these)

    Google: videocopilot -> first hit -> tutorials -> go those thourght

    hope this helps :D

    PS: i wanna help!

    PSS: i realy want to help... i am out of ideas what to do... :D

  13. I dont know pictures :P, but some animation at start would be nice (like always). and (of course) make intros theme like video is. Like if you got zs video, put that picture you show to it, also some animation.

    Of course intros where is your name or something are always good. Go check my intros at video section :D

    i checked them out and they are realy badass but idk how to do those? a intro i would love is a black background.. zombine walking in a straight line like a 2d thing and then gets shot and my name appears.

    How do u do those :o

    okey... i made them with After Effects, but... i suggest to learn some else easier animation/film studio programs.

    But because im bored, you can send indructions what you want to e-mail at profile :D (updating soon)

    PS: because confuse. is "badass" positive or negative :D

    positive :P

    Adobe After Effects?

    What other After Effects you know? :D

    Also i got some short music clips for intros.

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