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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by FjordMonkey

  1. First picture...Not to many girls Second picture...VERY NICE I LIKE IT!
  2. PLEASE BE ALITTLE OPTIMISTIC GUYS OP IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! CHECK REGULARLY Temprary name and banner Now that cleared outta the way, let me adress the question at hand. I wanna post this on facepunch but i want some more elaboration. The basic idea is the concept of flood mod, build a boat, kill other players and boats to win. BUT with a twist Remove the weapons and boats. Then you will have to build your own weapon using small props provided by the gamemode use it to kill other players in a deathmatch kinda way. I see atleast one problem. The props to work toghether, ammo magazine(since there will be no animations) how many rounds etc. If you could make some sweps to select a prop to be the barrel and witch way it will fire(only one way) Length of prop = how much ammo? Sidearms, RPGs, explosives, grenades. The idea is freedom of delevoping a good weapon from you imagination OR use a prebuilt(cheap, for new players with little money, since my first idea were that the weapon props would cost moneyez or coins, exp, etc..) Thats my crude outcast now to let it be developed. This is not intended to anyone of the developers here, Seeing as they got to much on their hands with operation woot and stuff Will soon be adding pics of some prebuilt designs, by yours truly. PICS TIME!!! I made some crude models of what i had in mind. Sniper like weapon: SMG type weapon: RPG type: ON FRIDAY I WILL MAKE A VIDEO SHORTLY EXPLAINING WHAT I MEAN!
  4. Okay, Today i was browsing FP in their General discussions section when i notice a thread with the title: fucked up christian forum. Thought to myself...This cant be that bad.... I was wrong.... Look here: http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?t=40316 Extremists! Discuss
  5. I want a gamemode that involves aerial combat.
  7. Is this the end ywa? wont you do more?
  8. FjordMonkey


    I confess that im a cola-addict....
  9. Can you set up me as a scout too?
  10. OH, YES I WILL!!BITCH.....
  11. Agreed, but i also wish they'd make HUGE maps with heli's and jets and tanks and MORE LIKE BF2 that game was the shiz.
  12. You should have filmed like a giant jump from diffrent cameraangles like the pros do eet XD
  13. Okay, i can play spy!
  14. Agreed, after watching this tread for a while i noticed that its really splitted between keep the law/remove it. And to beatalex +1 @notte +1 I agree with your post but a child does not know the diffrence between behaviour control and abuse, furthermore kids learn what abuse looks like and if you try to control their behaviour they scream out abuse. I remember when our family had a visit of a kid and her mom, she ,with purpose began screaming profanity and her mom tried to control her behaviour, screamed out ABUSE so loud my fucking ears popped...
  15. well, then hello to you sir!
  16. sacrificial, it was'nt directed at that it was more of an internal joke between me and notte(you know since i play alot...)
  17. I think he needs to cut down on gaming(notte....SHUT THE FUCK UP!) Does stuff to you psychoanalasys, cause dreaming (in short) its just a reenactment of stuff you saw in the day(that and your subconsiblablabla fuck with the dream itself.) I remember i was going to see spiderman 3 and i dreamt i was him in my dream XD.
  18. Wait for my stats picture: You can ignore most points with hoovy(achivement farming.)
  19. awesome nobana! I bet you all know isla inocentes, nothing gives greater satisfacttion then cooking a fool with the saiga with slugs...From the sniper hill-thingy!
  20. Post them her bitches. I have 75 hours as spy(i know its not much) But what do you play the most?
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