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Mr. Green Gaming


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Status Updates posted by Duby

    1. lame shot

      lame shot

      saddest moment of my childhood

  1. I often get asked  what I like to code to, well now you know xD

  2. A new ZS release candidate will be made this Sunday.

    It will contain a lot of updates, and very much welcomed changes and features. I hope we all have a lot of fun testing and most likely a few bugs or script errors will be found. 

    Check the main ZS topic for more details.

  3. Another Beta test down, more bugs have been found. But the refinement in gameplay is quite amazing, thanks to all helping test. Had a lot of fun today and I think we are a hell of a lot closer to getting to a release ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Duby


      Ya, you can find me from there. Exact same name etc...

  4. Apparently I am now retired, so I can go and have a snooze. -- One day the zombies will rise again, and a new breed of survivors will be running for their lives. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Duby


      We'll see what S&Box brings us. Maybe one day you'll be purple again x'D

    3. Cena


      What is S&Box xD

    4. Duby


      It is the new Gmod being made in Unreal :)

  5. As one generation move on, another takes its place. Welcome to the green side gentlemen where you can relax and drink many cups of tea.

    1. MegasXLR


      @SDK welcome to ur new home.

  6. Been out sick with the Flu, but I will work on ZS in a few days when I'm back to my self again. Should have something interesting ready soon...

  7. dafaq

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Duby


      Just to clarify I was only joking. I think its quite funny.

    3. Maher



  8. Did play station leak TripWires new map for the next update? Only time will tell, but this is rather interesting....




  9. Gmod workshop is pure cancer. I hope Garry kills himself, every bloody server has just shit tones of shitty player models and their all anime models, ugh. Fucking hate anime

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Duby


      Making it easily to access to kiddies means it's just full of utter crap and every server uses it. Every TTT server has the same point shop and it's sickning.

    3. Pufulet


      Easy way to have some form of appearance customisation on your server. You can't blame them for using it even though its horribly generic at this point. That or spend time and money developing a unique hat shop.

    4. Duby


      That was just one example, every server is no original and full of shit. Legit Gmod is a dead game, the only thing which is alive in my and Ben's eyes is space build.

  10. Hitmonlee is my boi, nothings got shit on him. 


    He's gonna starburst stream that shit. 

  11. Hmm didn't do a Beta test last weekend as my gf was around. So I will make it up to you lads and get a special update done for this coming weekend. It should be frightful.... 

    1. Pufulet


      No body pillow this weekend?

    2. Duby


      Nah I use that when the gf isn't around

    3. rui_troia


      i hope she blows well

  12. HTC Vive release price is £700,  and the Oculus is £500-600 so the VR market is doomed once again... No one has the money to go out and invest in these things, so I can see VR being kicked to the dirt again..

  13. I have a fish tank on my Desk in my office at work which has shrimp in it. Today on of them poked their heads out and looked at me, which then jumped at me, I instantly hit it back and it landed back in the fish tank.


    420 blazzzzed that bubba gump shrimp lads and lasses 

  14. I've paid a Model maker to make us some custom weapons for ZS. So we can have a lot more fun and bring a new experience to the game mode. 

    He's nearly finished the new Dual Deagles model, its looking kick ass and I'll try and get you guys some footage asap!  

    1. rui_troia


      Nice, inspired from KF1 I guess haha :P 

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