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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. GameServer: Mr.Green Zombie Survival Age:17 Country of origin:United Kingdom 'England' Link to steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079396952 'sorry I forgot about the part above' Thank you for having the time to read my moderator application. I am a 17 and doing my AS-A levels in six form. I am doing A-level computing and studying the language java with great interest. I have also started to pick up the language 'LUA' I felt that I would need to learn it if I was to run a successful and error free server of my own. My main hobbies consist of programming and running my own Sandbox server. 'Dubys Freedom Server' or 'garrys freedom server'. I very much often find my self busy with either making changes or helping others will issues with a project of their own server. I also have a big interest of making maps for my server and enjoy being creative with map editing. I have been working on a big map project for the server and have taken on every advice or critics that have come my way. Although it can be a pain aha. recently there has been a big demand for admins to be online and playing on Mr.Green. Being on the server an lot I notice that the problems seem to be simple tasks. they arn't so much this is an error. But this players needs to be muted or kicked. I often find myself thinking that admins have a lot to do with their own personal time outside of the server and it would be more beneficial to have lower ranking admins 'moderators' to sort out small tasks as I described. At the time of this post I am a lv 58 player. compared to other players I am not the highest or best at the game, but I( will always give strong advice to new players or players that may want help. I am a patient person and don't often loose my temper at other players. I also help international players and make them feel as welcome as possible. I sometimes find my self using google translate to help them out XD aha. I feel that I have been on the server enough times so that I know the maps like the back of my hand enabling me to help others navigate to the best of most strategic spots. As I am at six form most of the day after doing work I find that I am more of a 5:30-9:30 'British time' player. This corresponds with the peak amount of players and the lowest amount. this often is the time where other admins may be busy. I feel that if I was to be made an 'operator/moderator' with simplistic powers such as mute, kick, gag it would help the flow of the server and keep games going with out arguments or mic spamming etc... Although I have a lot to learn I do feel I can make a bigger contribute to the server, of course under the guidance of other Admins and players. To players I am known as a native or frequent player of Mr.Green and known well. I also operate over mic as many players may distinguish me because of my 'Bristolian' accent aha. But because of this players seem to listen and take advice more seriously and I feel that helps game play. I do have a social life as well but I must admit I mainly have an online life and I feel that also does help with understanding to what would be expected of me. I would like to thank you for having the time for reading my moderator application. yours faithfully StJohn 'My name is a really old British name ;D'
  2. I would guess some sort of addons not agreeing with each other 'my limited experience running a sandbox server' but yea it is a big problem xD
  3. I like it but it may be the same story again of does ywa want to do it or listen. Iam all for a good change but it depends on how long it may take him to make, and the time he has to put onto it ! We need more programmers etc to help with the code......
  4. I would like to thank you all for reading my application and supporting. But i doubt YWA will read it, but it is worth a try XD aha
  5. Thank you for having the time to read my moderator application. I am a 17 and doing my AS-A levels in six form. i am doing A-level computing and studying the language java with great interest. i have also started to pick up the language 'LUA' i felt that i would need to learn it if i was to run a successful and error free server of my own. My main hobbies consist of programming and running my own Sandbox server. 'Dubys Freedom Server'. I very much often find my self busy with either making changes or helping others will issues with a project of their own server. I also have a big interest of making maps for my server and enjoy being creative with map editing. although it can be a pain aha. recently there has been a big demand for admins to be online and playing on Mr.Green. being on the server an lot i notice that the problems seem to be simple tasks. they arn't so much this is an error. But this players needs to be muted or kicked. I often find myself thinking that admins have a lot to do with their own personal time outside of the server and it would be more beneficial to have lower ranking admins 'moderators' to sort out small tasks as i described. At the time of this post I am a lv 50 player. compared to other players I am not the highest or best at the game, but i will always give strong advice to new players or players that may want help. I am a paisient person and don't often loose my temper at other players. I feel that i have been on the server enough times so that i know the maps like the back of my hand enabling me to help others navigate to the best of most strategic spots. As I am at six form most of the day after doing work i find that I am more of a 6:30-9:30 player. This corresponds with the peak amount of players and the lowest amount. this often is the time where other admins may be busy. I feel that if i was to be made an 'operator/moderator' with simplistic powers such as mute, kick, gag it would help the flow of the server and keep games going with out arguments or mic spamming etc... Although I have a lot to learn I do feel I can make a bigger contribute to the server, of course under the guidance of other Admins and players. to players i am known as a native or frequent player of Mr.Green and known well. I also operate over mic as many players may distinguish me because of my 'Bristolian' accent aha. but because of this players seem to listen and take advice more seriously and I feel that helps game play. I do have a social life as well but i must admit I mainly have an online life and I feel that also does help with understanding to what wouod be expected of me. I would like to thank you for having the time for reading my moderator application. yours faithfully StJohn 'My name is a really old British name ;D'
  6. The time has come for me to leave the server. If any admins looked to how many hours I have spent they would relise that in this space of time is insane. I feel as gutted as everyone else who playes on a 'DAILY BASIS' I will only check once a day to see if there is an update and iam heading to gamesketch SEE YA......
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