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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. They always fail, like mental hospital. I loved that map so so much. But every time people couldn't act as a team. It just utterly failed! :<
  2. I have finished a patch which should allow assists to act as a kill with the g4k system. Also I have fixed with issue with fridge of doom I believe, so that should be uploaded maybe this evening.
  3. Omg thats brilliant! Its like a fallout poster but green xD
  4. I already said fridge is a no no until I add in a function for that map in the new system. Please be patient and don't pick that map for now. Btw fixed the stupid scroll delay when switching weapons.
  5. Ok so next on the list.. New end game screen aka kinda like the old Deluvas one. I will integrate a new vote map system into that.
  6. Fixed the stuff on the todo list. We have also... Removed the human fall down animation. Zombies reviving percentage is lower and can only occur once a spawn.
  7. I see the issue. I forgot to add a function to compare the current weapon with one you already have. I will try and get this fixed along with the immortal protector issue by next week. To do list: -Add a compare function -Fix immortal protector issue -Crates move more frequently
  8. Guns for kills added. (5,10,25,50) New level system structure added. ( 30 levels all have unlocks ) This should keep people playing but the wall of levels is no longer there. Infected resurrect. (Stops rage quitting!) I will make the crates move more often and then see how the player count goes. I will start on the new zombie class in the next few weeks.
  9. I had a nice idea, the admins have a menu binded to 'c' when they want to access commands. So I could do a 'b' bind or something to bring up a derma styled menu to show each level and its unlocks. That would help everyone grasp what each level holds for them.
  10. I never left as such. I went a bit insane, played some other games for a while calmed down had some cake. Then decided to carry on until I go insane again.
  11. Agreed. I am working through each level and really taking my time with thinking how it will affect gameplay. I have also added a few things for the zombies with this update which will make them stronger but not with the amount of HP or Damage that they will do. So think long and hard if you want to guess it.
  12. What I am saying is giving them turrets grenades and medkits etc.. is a good idea. But there has to be a reason for them to work hard. So keeping the shoulder turret at a slightly higher level will work well. ^^
  13. For the crate I was thinking of what necro did and have a numeric distance drawn above the crate which will go through walls. regarding the level system I am planning on cutting down a load of levels to like 20 and making a load of other tools at lv0. One issue we have is only people who play a lot using the tools which we need.
  14. Hello Greenies. So its been a little while since I have made a public post. But you got to start some where right! I went into hiding for a while as it was all getting all to much and I didn't have the coding skills to for fill the needs of the community. But after a month or two I am back with new skills. I have made a lovely list of things which need to be done, and I have already started some of them. So last time I went a bit mental and didn't really look at the overall image of how the gamemode should be. I guess I was a little immature with it all. But all is about to change. Lets forget the rage and data which was lost over my last reign and start a fresh. So without further of due let me show you all my plan of action. We don't have enough classes on zs. By this of course I mean zombie classes. We are tired or the same old shit basically and so is the zs community outside of green. So lets make some lovely new classes, polished and done right first time. No more half assed jobs. So what do we have? -Ghouler You may of already met him before, he has been on the server for a short time now, so he is fast he can revive and is an all round good class for the start of a round. In essence its the old infected style class with a few extra features. -Vometer So in times gone by there was an attack a class could use in order to heal other zombies. So I thought why not make a class based around it. So the Vometer will be a class based around throwing tainted meat which will harm humans but heal the undead. Pretty cool right? Now then what about the humans? I know what a lot of you want, but yea it honestly can't happen I am afraid. But I have come up with something which will please you all hopefully. The crate system well I have made a new moving crate system which a few of you may of already read about. We I have done an update on that system again and now we have two crates which move around the map. So in the case of big or small maps, you will always be in reach of a crate. But due to it moving you can't just camp in a cade for the whole game. But this brings an issue, people like to cade and stay still. But without supplies and extra weapons they will die! Then most likely rage quit. So how do we solve this? Ahaa lets add a guns for kills system into this. A player can get up to a certain tier of weapons 'smgs' for just killing zombies. This allows for players to choose their gameplay style! I think this will solve the current issues. Now then lets move onto the looks of this gamemode. Its a little bland don't you think? Well lets look at the crate. Its a small box on the floor which isn't going to catch players attention. So lets take a page out of the history books and create something which looks like the old crate but perhaps a bit more greenier! let me introduce you to the new crate ^^ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/570023530094779990/71C4C1D0E361FE129823597DFEB617D7173E3377/ So since we are on the subject of apperances, lets look at the huds. The zombie hud kinda looks ok, but it does lack a bit of goryness to it! So lets add a few more blood splatters nearer to the top of the hud to keep with the theme of the lower half of the hud. Now the one which everyone is going to care the most about! Lets be honest here the current hud is a simple generic which arial based hud. Its boring and has nothing interesting going on . So lets take a page out of the Deluvas era of zs and create something new but in keeping with old zs! I am a part time coder now a days. So I will only be allowcating 1-2 days a week for zs. So please be patient greenies! Any questions or comments please leave them bellow. -Duby
  15. I will do what Necro did. Add a marker on the crate with a numeric distance calculated so players can easily see it and find it.
  16. Zs now has moving crates. The crate moves every 8 mins. So be tactical with how you play now!
  17. Ok this person will be dealt with along with anyone else spamming the vote gag/mute command.
  18. I know you are of the older generation than me and I have only ever had the privilege of playing a game with you once. But.. Shame to see such a fine bird leave the nest. But life goes on. I know the development of virtual reality will be an exciting journey for sure! I hope you create something truly unique as you have done in the past. -Duby
  19. Some fucker stole my colour. I feel like a naked man on the street without it! :

  20. Some erchine asked me to go on zs and sort out a speed hacker the other day. It had 18 people on there playing. But it was 18 happy people. No rage just fun and laughter. I think this is all down to the shitty level system personally. Even Ywa agree's. So I expect he will do something about it when ever. 'All the players were like lv 8-15'
  21. Balmung that profile picture is so kawaii!
  22. Christ on a bike. Well at least no one can blame me anymore.
  23. Blarg that cheese toasty was good but not as good if you got this position good luck ! here have this 'gives present to ben' http://www.wimpy.uk.com/images/products/ham-and-cheese-toastie.jpg
  24. I have found this really help full thanks XD !! i was really stuck on finding the zombie spawn entity XD
  25. I would love to see this XD ! It would be awesome ! More awesome than this cat !!!! http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/13600000/funny-cat-cats-13624271-800-600.jpg
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