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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. I think there are more fundametal issues with zs than that. I don't change those stats every week... In general the population of zs servers have gone down. I think its going through some tough times and we have been hit hard. I will look at that bug as well 9th.
  2. Then I think they need to be made more visible. Then do less damage if they use the Teleport ability.
  3. What about the Teleporting etherials? I mean that could just cause people to leave since they like the cade and that is anti cade? :L
  4. Very useful data thanks! I did a small update where zombie range was increased, so this could be an issue perhaps. I think we should allow nails to be collected from the mobile supply crates to make it easier to cade. Your thoughts?
  5. Its more of what games/demo's you are trying to run. You could just about run some basic games on low specs. Its around £300 But honestly unless you really want to develop content for it I would wait for next summers release of CV1. If you can go to a convention and try it out, do it!
  6. Ooh? Never heard of it. What is it about?
  7. I hope so! What demo's did you try out?
  8. I meant with the positional tracker. The range needs to be bigger. ><
  9. I have been busy with college work and my VR project. I have been doing updates quite frequently if you haven't noticed. :L Everyone is off for the exam season so that's why many people are away. Btw Szl hasn't been on at all as I have been noting what servers he has been on. Its all death run Dark rp and various other things. Also Damien I gave you new data into this inquest and I haven't heard anything back from it.
  10. Indeed it does! Did you also find that the range in which you can move your head around wasn't enough? I kept going out of bounds when trying to explore objects.
  11. Hey Greenies It seems that VR is going to be a big thing in the near future and within the next year or so we will see the first generation of consumer products. Some may know I am a big VR fan and I thought it would be a nice idea to make a topic for people to ask questions and share their experiences! So I guess I will go first and with the most obvious choice for a game near the top of the list. HalfLife2! Visually and the feel, its a totally different experience to looking at it on a monitor. It is awesome! I kinda felt really ill after playing 20 mins though. But for a port this was pretty fantastic and a really nice way to look at such a detailed game, in a more detailed environment.
  12. Its a bit of a concern since he hasn't been on at all. From what I have seen he is playing on other servers. So I think Damien may have to investigate that a bit. I personally think he ran off after all the pressure of being an admin so soon after coming back. I mean he was playing 9 hours at a time.
  13. Hey Reiska you Spooge I fixed the issue you were yelling about for a year now. The weapon switch delay is now 0 not 1.1.
  14. Until I re-write some code for the hammer/blowtoch this will be the case. Its not a perm thing.
  15. The basics of balancing a game is to make it enjoyable and playable for everyone with rewards to match. Times have changed and players want different things. Logically making people tanks at the beginning of a game isn't a good thing. So these actions have been made in the interest of everyone not just to those who think they have a right to be powerful because of how long they have played. Please leave your comments bellow and not in the shoutbox.
  16. Done and fixed. Also fixed bug where people can drop items and pick them up and get more ammo. If you drop your hammer then its gone.
  17. Great work, I can tell this will be a big hit!
  18. Merry Halloween

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    2. Duby


      Lol what on earth is this!! Warp you nooby noob ;)

    3. Knul



  19. Latest updates to keep you all informed of the current events. -Updated server rules -Updated item unlock guide. -Updated fists code. -Pulse SMG recoil reduced. -Taken many of the un-used perks and popular perks and combined them into 'classes'. -Berserker -Support -Engineer -Medic -Fixed tool 'planks' I hope you like these updates, I am very happy with how they are looking and this October updated has gone fairly smoothly. -Duby
  20. Hmmm ok sure doesn't sound un-reasonable. We basically need to overhaul the cading system and the zombie classes. Then add new custom weapons. More variety weapons bring new people. I have done some research and the servers with more custom weapon packs have more players. So I think its a step we have to take to keep up with the changing times. We need to make it easy to cade and fun but not a necessity. We also have still to many levels and perks. I will combine more of the cading perks into one to make them generally useful.
  21. Thank Clavus and Ywa for that Its all over zs lol especially in the end screen.
  22. Right I will bug Ywa about this issue. The well bye thing I,will find out what it is later today.
  23. Episode 13 will be Season one's final episode! A few special things are in store for you all!
  24. Umm if you go to your gmod folder then downloaded/ find the filename. You can get a piece of music you like and call it the samething and C&R
  25. I know, I play a lot of 3.0 servers late at night etc.. when green is empty. Often to get gameplay idea's. But sometimes I get the feeling that it will take Green is a different direction. We want people to be able to cade, but not to make it the only option. Perhaps we can find a middle ground between the two.
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