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Mr. Green Gaming


Server Admins
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Everything posted by Sandro

  1. What lost????? why they quit in middle of event?
  2. You hosted this event so you tell me why players quit???
  3. I told y'all yesterday (during event)that i dont care about 15k gcs and 7 days vip the reason why i joined and registered myself last 30 minutes in forum ,was to play fairly with all players but i was wrong, literally everyone was camping.
  4. Flo 1st camper
  5. Was there any rule about camping cus i saw that some players were camping to get extra points,that's why i quit + teaming up vs 1 player is not allowed
  6. Sandro
  7. Good luck
  8. Sandro

    Admin App

    Good luck
  9. Explain me this @nevernotatall
  10. I dont have a mate i want alone ffs Team name lonely cowboy
  11. Sandro (no sub)
  12. Good luck
  13. https://youtu.be/dALR-Ttu2hs
  14. Sandro

    mod/admin app

    Good luck
  15. @ChickenAttack @Stig
  16. Buy me ets2 im poor
  17. best gamemode ever DM +
  18. 9.9
  19. Sandro

    I Wanna be Mod

    It's funny your apllication, you insulted/provoked a lot of players Behaviour
  20. double gcs all players move freely without cars
  21. Ahh
  22. Ahhhhhhhhh dont mention Serbia
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