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Mr. Green Gaming


Server Admins
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Everything posted by Sandro

  1. Mix player member of MR team !
  2. 1st of all im not the only moderator in game we have turkish mods like civan,mekuar that can deal with language but im talking about you why so toxic and rude to players
  3. It's not the first even second time panzer being so toxic i willl mute this guy 24 hrs.
  4. Sandro

    Show your car

    my love
  5. https://giphy.com/gifs/kangaroo-eating-D10hKcRT6JaLu
  6. Where are Emi maps?
  7. 1- May 3 2019 2- August 24 2019 3- December 5 2019 4- January 6 2020 5- March 2 2020
  8. +
  9. 756 players?
  10. Free or paid
  11. Is there any program to record cus windows it sucks
  12. optic fiber better
  13. A really good person & player Good luck Abi
  14. Don't get it who is Jap & SCHWARZENEGGER
  15. 4th!!!!!!
  16. use imgur.com
  17. Team with @Flo he is pro
  18. I want csgo tournament
  19. Good luck
  20. fafu.com

    1. AleksCore
    2. ChickenAttack


      namecheap says already taken, maybe fafu.io or fafu.club better choice, or fafu.world fafu.life fafu.guru fafu.news and even fafu.church

  21. https://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=1817
  22. Who was supervisor from admins
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