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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sandro

  1. Sandro

    Shooter Sunday

    501 gcs more
  2. Sandro

    Shooter Sunday

    Change topic name:how to win paintjob perk in 30 minutes
  3. Sandro

    Shooter Sunday

    14500 gcs meh +500 gcs from my side lets go for 15k
  4. Sandro

    Shooter Sunday

    Shame on Owner for giving nothing towards his players, but as i saw last week the winner of Sh Event Mekuar got nothing for winning (booh) thats why i discussed with haze and im giving away a small amount of my gcs P.s its not the biggest Sh Competition
  5. Sandro

    Shooter Sunday

    MR|Sandro - Mega Jump
  6. /muted isn't a command and where do you see your name there Now do you believe me?
  7. Explain this
  8. it doesnt work like this, smart move is to report the player not insult him.
  9. Agree but it's different to insult family and call someone gay!!
  10. Insulting someone by family is not tolerated and i muted you for 30 minutes
  11. 8/10 @AX97 CAPO PLAZA
  12. I live there
  13. It would be more easier with a switch ON/OFF Nice work I've been thinking alot of times how nice it would be with a dark theme
  14. for real stop creating fake reports you guys blocked me and @KneeLzy in the last part with sandkings at NTS Flirting Filip (vika)
  15. AGREE Kneelzy is a good player never blocked before especially in this ss. you guys are ramming everyone in server
  16. 1/10
  17. @nevernotatall you, me ,flo csgo
  18. Old Players @Eat-all, @viiNi, @ChickenAttack, @Tear, @maaruu. ❤
  19. I really want to talk with dongato for real he was like a brother to me back in 2013 we used to play latenight with cock,wes,eat-all.❤i asked supercharles few months ago in pm and he told me he passed away i was shocked and sad.Few days ago youtube suggested me some videos one of them was from dongato's channel thats why i asked Andrex to create for me same pj like Dongato i really loved him. Last time I've seen him was in mrgreengaming anniversary 2016. If someone knows his steam account can really help me. Anyway i hope he is okay .
  20. Maybe yes maybe no i still love Dongato
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