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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Micha3lo

  1. 2021-03-07 18-20-18.mp4
  2. We don't, that's why I suggested Nick to do it
  3. Good luck!
  4. That's not really a map fault, but rather an actual CTF bug. I don't know if it's going to be fixed anytime soon at this point, but thanks for reporting anyway.
  5. Micha3lo

    unban req

    Cena already explained in your previous topic, you aren't getting unbanned anytime soon. Closed
  6. READ THIS BEFORE POSTING - Ban Requests & Protests - Mr. Green Gaming
  7. 2021-01-16 15-35-30.mp4
  8. You didn't edit this thread as per Cenas' request, but even if you have done that, I don't feel like giving you a faster unban anyway. Closed.
  9. 2021-01-01 21-26-06.mp4
  10. Let's go
  11. Sadly for ya, I didn't plan anything for the 4th place (unless Cena agrees on rewarding you somehow)
  12. Aight, let's make it rather short. Big thanks for everyone that participated and actually spent that whole long time with us, despite the amount of fails we had. I'm extremely sorry that thing didn't go as planned and you are free to blame me as much as you want to. I'm especially thankful to Nick, Vilge, Haxa and Cena for all the mighty help from their side, to make that event better, you guys are the best. Also a lot of thanks goes to Tesla, for preparing the whole map for us. I really hope that the next time is going to be way better than today, sorry if that kind of "Xmas gift" didn't quite work for everyone. Our tonight's winners are: 1st place: [NKC]VilgefortzGOA 2nd place: Mateoryt 3rd place: -AQ-H@rD$tYleRZ! Here's how the final places looked like (thanks Powerate)
  13. The whole event is going to have it's place on our race server (IP: mtasa:// Everyone will get a password on their inbox here (you can just check your mail as well) Edit: Everyone got their password on their forum mailbox (except 3 people that i will message on discord). And before the questions, yes, its going to happen on our race server, i will just set a password on it, so if you want to come before i do that, just come
  14. Good luck Regarding my message. The only reason why I don't really touch the race maps is because it's not my "place" that i deal with. I'm not a racer and judging what's good and bad would probably end up with people throwing "mix player is destryoing the race server" in my face. I still test the new race maps actively or delete the maps that are bugged, since Mosh is busy irl, but i'm all the way into an actual racer as the map manager here.
  15. KoM|Dubby
  16. Hey, it's Dub again, time for another Mr.Green Gaming race event from me This time we are going with a slightly different convetion. What is an endurance race? In short, a "little bit" longer race than what you usually play on the server. As the name says, it tests your endurance abillities in game (yeah, im waiting for some juicy ragequits already) - No registration fee (who needs that anyway) - No blocking allowed - No cheating (classic) - Type your ingame nick in this thread below, to make sure you are in. Event will have it's place on 26th December 2020 at 20:00 CET(Check your local time). 1st place: 20 000 GCs + 30 days of VIP 2nd place: 15 000 GCs + 20 days of VIP 3rd place: 10 000 GCs + 10 days of VIP -T3SL4- (main originator of that event and map contributor) Cena (the one with actual money for the winners)
  17. Good luck
  18. I'm pretty much neutral in this case as I'm not really a fan of mods and modpacks in general. It's definitely fun and enjoyable, also holds for a bit more than vanilla, but that's sadly not for me.
  19. No such player
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