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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Micha3lo

  1. This was discussed a lot of times here already. This is a simple desync and we can't really do much about it. Closed.
  2. 5/10 https://youtu.be/zF2Lsfh36cs
  3. 2/10
  4. 10/10
  5. I can't really come, but Dubby [SH] Shade of Madness 3.0
  6. 3/10
  7. GG to everyone that participated, congrats to the winners and big thanks to Ass and Matoosh for taking care of that tournament. I'm sorry that not everything went as it was planned from the beginning, but because my laptop died out of nowhere, I couldn't really host anything myself. I hope that the next tournament will be even better than this one (I will do as much as I can to be sure of that) Greetings!
  8. Here's the link to my GDrive with every single screenshot from each round (in case someone needs it): https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=10cTTTffsIR7p5P87Kb0ezUYBcizGMJYo
  9. Send me a script for that next time, thanks
  10. I've fixed and uploaded your map
  11. Decided to play with my photos a little bit...
  12. 6/10
  13. Goldberg explained everything so no need to turn this into an offtopic. Closed.
  14. 1. Your screenshot doesn't show anything 2. Cena already explained what's the problem in here Closed.
  15. Good luck
  16. Already here
  17. Dubby Maps: RG - Cheetah Eater
  18. Hello and welcome to the first Mr. Green Gaming race tournament. Since we had a lot of mix tournaments already, I decided to make a race one as well. There will be no registration fee (Hooray, I guess) Everyone can suggest 1-2 maps (In case 1 isn't there on the event server) No "Destiny" maps (Feel free to hate me now) No blocking allowed No cheating (That's pretty obvious lol) At least 8 people should join We will play 10 maps (8 suggested by people + 2 random ones) We will play it on 29th November 2019 at 20:00 CET (Check your local time) 1st place: 20 000 GC + 14 days of VIP 2nd place: 15 000 GC + 10 days of VIP 3rd place: 10 000 GC + 7 days of VIP 4th place: 5 000 GC + 5 days of VIP I really shouldn't spend my time at these useless graphics but
  19. Sounds fine to me
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