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Mr. Green Gaming


Server Admins
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Everything posted by Micha3lo

  1. I don't really like writing long posts, but well, I think I have to now. I'm really thankful for all those years you've spent in managing mrgreen. I'm glad you've trusted all of us, whole mrgreen stuff and you didn't fall in your job. Thank you for bringing a lot of fun to the servers yourself and to all the new "quirks and features" we got to try. I know you for quite long time and as a good friend of yours, I knew this place will be on point for you. It kinda gave me a little tear that you are leaving us that way, but I really hope it's not permanent and I'll still see you there on our servers. I'm happy that I could get into this community few years ago and that you were a part that made me stay there for longer. Apart from that, once again, thank you so much for everything. I hope that Afu will continue the great piece of work of yours in the next years and that he won't make this community fall. Thank you for coming back and doing all that massive hell of a scripting here. Dubby.
  2. KoM|Dubby Mix: - [SH] Shade of Madness 4.0 - [RTF] Papatka 2 Race: - Stroth Barrel Blast - NoobCup - Fuoristrada
  3. Grow up first then we will talk
  4. Good luck
  5. 5/10
  6. Well, if arguing with admins and trying to insult them and as long as provoking other players is called a help then it's definitely a no from me, sorry
  7. Micha3lo

    polish toxic

    Muted for 7 days. Closed.
  8. Mine
  9. 3/10
  10. Thot
  11. Pretty relatable
  12. Where the hell are mix players Nick: KoM|Dubby Map: [SH] Infinite
  13. Thread wasn't edited in time so I'm closing it. Locked.
  14. Thread wasn't edited in time so i'm closing it. Locked.
  15. Good luck
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