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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Micha3lo

  1. According this, there is still a good old /radio. I believe people absolutely forget about that, but it works just fine
  2. Micha3lo


    Yeah, he changed it to Goldbergs right after he saw admins are going mad over that Anyway, you broke the rule and so you were banned, simple as that Closed.
  3. Micha3lo


    Afaik there is no rule about using other/similar nicknames of people, as long as someone don't use them/lock them on a special purpose. And in case of Noam, I was referring to using nick "Goldberg" as we already have one here (even tho he is currently under nick "Kreator"). Regarding the topic, I will let @Stig deal with it, since he was the one who banned Noam.
  4. Micha3lo


    You were banned for advertising by using your nickname + using nicks of other people
  5. Do it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. I really wish South Americans will understand one day that this server is European and that they will always have high ping. You guys just don't want to understand that you are giving a headache to people with lower ping, cause your sync is different to our and there is no fun in that
  7. You need to add more question marks so I can see your question better
  8. I'll let Turkish mods deal with that report. Next time put a translation at least so we can all understand. Closed.
  9. No further reports so I'm going to lock it. Closed.
  10. Worthless report. Closed.
  11. Micha3lo


    Not enough of evidences. Try to record it next time or do more screenshots Closed.
  12. Banned for 3 months Closed.
  13. Dubby
  14. Personally edited it and told Cena to add it just for you
  15. Good luck
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