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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BoyKa

  1. BoyKa

    Hello Again

    I want to comeback bec i cant not give up , only reason is some people encourage me , so i was thinking why not after last time when some guy come with some proofs about my past bans (hater) wanted me banned bec some thinks big and come with reason against me to be banned permanently well i dont care about that , so i just want to play and enjoy this game , I do not want other tangents with other individuals ,just peace nothing more ,I do not like any games to play with this goldberg or someone else that finds me just like that or provoke someone , but it racist behavior . So i dont have anything with him just keep the things ok and respect . Just one thing i have to say i will not give up . (but I did not related to anyone and I did not blame anyone about histroy bans ) .
  2. BoyKa

    Unban ...

    but i dont know why u are involve u are retired you just have something with me , only mix admins should comment . ok then just lock the topic and well then find other reasons accusse me .
  3. BoyKa

    Unban ...

    ok then i will mention @Stig to check my request if he wants .
  4. BoyKa

    Unban ...

    I did not have the courage to come back because I know what I did and i waited to change in a better person , I thought I'd be back once and for all after many chance ... but this time I will not create problems , im sry bec i insulted Cena im so stupid and i regret for what i did every single day i was thinking about this actions and what i did .. I behaved like a child (10 years old ) I got a lot of chances and screw it all i dont know why i was so blind , you were too good for me and i I kicked too easily my punishment had consequences I'm sorry we created so many problems. if you could still have a chance to give me another chance it would be good if not i will retire for another couple of years . Thank You have a nice summer days to all of you ! :)
  5. Good Luck ! Akeno !
  6. BoyKa


    After Long time i just wanted to make a new unban app because the last one was denied , I think I've learned my lesson after a while and I thought and I think I deserve it a unban , just because I challenged someone I took the bann again i didnt insult him i just accused somone and im sorry for that F1MadKiller , I hope you understand that this time it will be the last time one and a last chance so i was thinking to prove i can change my self my attitude my behavior . Thank you for understanding and I promise I will change not just words , I can prove i will change of that stupidity that I produced in the past to stop it once for all .
  7. Good Luck Bro !
  8. Never Give Up ! :D Till I Die ! :P

  9. Prepare for An Unexpected Journey, < Make History>

  10. BoyKa

    Unban App

    Hello there , I think I do not deserve it the ban beacuse i just provoke Madkiller so i didnt insult him after that Maher suprised me in a private message go say sorry to MadKiller or u get Ban i said no so he banned because i provoke him saying he abuse delete maps Nitro Maps , Rami Maps and alot of them and thats a true story so some people leave this server because of him doing does stuffs but i really dont care . One reason is i think i diserve a unban i didnt do nothing I just accused you of something and everyone now that . So why should i take the ban for such behavior from Madkiller . I think I deserve to come back, so I'm gonna let you do what you want I'm not gonna make you do what you want but it's a shame what's going on. Thanks for Understanding , Me .
  11. Rise Up ! :D Just Change my mind , Never Give Up ! :D I got a swish :angry:

  12. i dont know how to say but sandy to come back no way because always provoke others player talking in some wierd language so i think he diserve unban un like me like others , so everyone have more chances to comeback only peace , i dont know what is happing with those actions people going guilty for little mistakes but what ever guys its just a game . Rock did not do anything wrong i dont know what is happeing but we always been kind with me, and i respect this guy he gives me alot of chances talking and helping alot on this server , good advice from him . Let's regain all this things of the past and forget what it was and never happen again
  13. Lmafo !!!! , Agressive like always , Pro Rammer
  14. BoyKa


    Merry Xmas , puta niegra !
  15. May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you all through the Year. Wishing you a season of blessings from heaven above. Merry Christmas !!! 




                                                                                                                                                                                   With all Love &Peace



    1. BoNd
    2. CochonAlcolique


      Happy xFaps my boywhore, with all luv and piss -_-

    3. Maher


      Merry Christmas boyka :)

  16. Yep thats true i agree .
  17. Good Luck !!!

    1. Gonzalezo


      Say my name you know who i am i am too hot got damn

  19. im intrested to , maybe 5 vs 5 i play alot when i have time .
  20. Do not judge me unless you are able to judge yourself, my actions can not be judged by anyone .

  21. from my point of view you really do not deserve it, your behavior lacks , you can improve somehow to get power, but you have no chance , you only try to take power back after you abuse it , Let's be realistic .
  22. Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value, on this path I point .

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