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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Matoosh

  1. i'm disappointed in you, Ulas. I know you wanted do something good but you choose wrong way (in my opinion). I won't talk anymore here. It is no sense if you don't want talk. I hope you well. Bye and good luck in your adventure called life.
  2. Matoosh

    Shooter Sunday

    Update : @Matoosh has offered 1.000 Greencoins for the winner of the next Shooter Sunday Event. Winner will receive 2.000 Greencoins now!
  3. Matoosh

    Shooter Sunday

    Mhmm, you fall in love. Good luck
  4. You haven't read the READ BEFORE POSTING TOPIC. Edit your topic and follow the rules or an admin will ignore your ban/unban request.
  5. You haven't read the READ BEFORE POSTING TOPIC. Edit your topic and follow the rules or an admin will ignore your ban/unban request.
  6. @Cena We've got a boy to ban( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @Dubby added to thread + screenshots.
  7. I hope you are ready to leave KoM if you will be promoted. Good luck.
  8. Matoosh

    Will i get ban?

    You haven't read the READ BEFORE POSTING TOPIC". Edit your topic and follow the rules or an admin will ignore your ban/unban request.
  9. Added. Check it, I'm waiting for feedback. Yea, It would but I can't do it as normal user and i don't know ibp.
  10. sth like that?
  11. Hi. I made dark style for forum. How to get dark style? 1. install Stylus extension in your browser 2. Make new style for new site (click on mrgreengaming.com), ss below: 3. Download dark-mrg.css from thread. 4. Copy text from file to your style in extension and save. Do you have some suggest to improve style? Write in this thread. Some screenshots: Dark, version 1: DarkGrey [ver2] + Dubby's Modification dark-mrg.css dark-grey-mrg.css DarkGrey+Dubby modification.css
  12. It's not my fault. I did nothing. They can't drive.
  13. Screenshots from '15
  14. add onion as emoticon

    1. V4POR


      Kash liked your post.

  15. Can you tell us which sentences are racist? I don't see any racist sentences.
  16. Who are you? At least tell your ingame nickname Use
  17. i would like to see sth like it for mix.
  18. ? You wrote in two posts that it is your 5th application and you say it isn't your 5th app lication now. I had to check it and it's your 5th application for mod.
  19. Here → https://mrgreengaming.com/mta/toptimes/map I got all maps from there.
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