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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Cena

  1. As long as I have a manager who can manage the MineCraft server regarding everything (developing the server..etc). I then have no problems at all to start the MineCraft server, but as for now I didn't get any msg from anyone. I'm not a fan of MineCraft at all, but since people keep asking for it then why not? Just get me a manager who knows what he is doing in MineCraft!!!
  2. Everyone should have 2 days of VIP. If I missed anyone please let me know. Top 3 players go their reward as mentioned in the main topic!
  3. Thank you all for coming, this is our last event in 2019! Hopefully 2020 will be interesting as well! For the player rank, here they are: gromghost: 10+7+1+9+6+7+7+7+9+3+8+9+6+7+1+3+10+9+7+7+9+8+8+10+10+10+9+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+5+9+9= 276 points Selim: 10+7+7+7+2+7+7+7+7+4+5+10+6+10+7+7+7+7+8+6+7+9+7+10+7+7+7+7+2+10+7+2+2+10= 232 points Jap: 3+7+5+2+10+4+5+5+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+9+5+7+7+7+5+10+4+8+7+3+7+5+8+7+7+7+7+10+3+8= 231 points JKY: 5+7+7+7+8+8+8+6+7+8+8+7+7+7+7+1+6+6+2+5+6+7+7+7+8+3+9+7+7+7= 195 points Cena: 7+7+7+7+9+9+7+4+7+7+7+10+7+7+7+6+2+7+1+4+7+7= 143 points Alan: 9+7+10+10+7+3+10+10+9+7+9+10+9+6= 116 points gustav.: 1+7+1+1+10+3+3+10+8+8+5+7+8+2+10+1+6+8+4= 103 points AX97: 2+4+10+7+7+1+3+7+7+9+9+6+3+10+5= 90 points Powerate: 4+7+6+7+1+2+2+1+2+10+3+9+7+8+4+6= 79 points AleksCore123: 3+1+7+7+4+7+10+7+7+1+6+7+5= 72 points Iveko: 9+7+7+5+6+7+7+7+8+7+1= 71 points CBY: 7+7+7+4+3+5+7+7+4+5+6+3= 65 points shortcat: 7+6+4+2+9+7+7+4+3+4+7+2= 62 points Mekuar: 8+7+7+7+2+7+7+3+3+8+1= 60 points HardGay: 4+9+4+9+4+5+7+3+5+1+2+1+5= 59 points ferf676: 7+7+8+5+7+3+4+7+3+4+1= 56 points Kokovai: 6+7+3+5+2+6+6+4+7+8= 54 points YeBuddy: 10+7+7+7+6+6+7= 50 points PanditoMan123: 4+7+7+7+3+2+1+7+4+4= 46 points Flo: 9+7+7+7+6+7= 43 points THEMoroccanJOB: 7+5+1+7+2+7+2+3= 34 points P0L: 5+7+7+7+7= 33 points Quick: 7+2+7+7+7= 30 points rzeznik: 2+7+7+4+7= 27 points Laris: 2+7+1+1+5+7= 23 points Haxardous: 8+7+6= 21 points veno: 5+7+7= 19 points Punisher: 7+7+3= 17 points DKTiesticockle123: 7+1+8= 16 points Nibje: 7+8= 15 points V4POR: 5+2+6+2= 15 points pondfiller: 1+7= 8 points helloCREEP: 7+1= 8 points Hity: 7 points Bring: 4 points _________________________________________________________________________________ Congratulations for the winners and thanks to everyine for participating! The first 3 players will get their reward as mentioned. Since this is our last event in 2019 and new year is soon. I will give everyone who joined this event 2 days of VIP. If you don't see your VIP please let me know. Thanks to everyone Oh shit, I am sorry
  4. Too late I won't accept more maps sorry but you can join.
  5. Okay all maps are added. Less than one hour for the event. I advice to join the event server ~30 mins before time so we can start instant. PLEASE EVERYONE VOTE 1. WE HAVE 28 MAPS TO BE PLAYED. Please tell your friends about the starting time so no one misses out! Server IP: Server Pass: Send me Forum PM or Discord msg for the pass (#Cena1101). I prefer discord over forum. Good luck everyone!
  6. Map already chosen @berat_193 choose another one please
  7. I don't think we have this map @ChickenAttack Choose another map, already chosen. @mounir866 I couldn't find it, I have seen Gold Island tho, is it what u meant?
  8. I like it @-Shadow- @andrex97 @assntitties Can any of you do something about it? Idk who else I am missing but these 3 people came to my mind
  9. Hi everyone. There will be special rates for top 10 donators. To check whether you are top 10 donator or not, then click HERE These rates will apply to all of you (as long as you are top 10) starting from 2nd of Jan 2020. 1- You get 1.5x more GCs when you donate for GCs. Example: If you donate 5 euros for GCs. You receive 5,000 GCs normal + 2,500 GCs extra If you donate 10 euros for GCs. You receive 10,000 GCs normal + 5,000 GCs extra 2. You get 2 extra days for every 1 euro you donate for VIP. Example: If you donate 5 euros for VIP. You receive 25 days normal + 10 days extra If you donate 10 euros for VIP. You receive 50 days normal + 20 days extra I hope it is clear. These rates apply to you as long as you are in the top 10 donator list!!
  10. As Matoosh said. But you have 100+ hours. I don't know whats the problem. I will see what we can do. It was fixed.
  11. You just bumped a dead topic
  12. This does sound interesting. Anyway, we do not have any one to manage the MC server.
  13. Even if what you say about the first screenshot is true. I can't tell that from that one screenshot you provided. It just looks like a ram for me. If you don't like my decision I will request another admin to review it.
  14. I have no clue what you mean by this. I am not blaming anyone. You insult you got muted. rzeznik rammed which is allowed. He doesn't get punished.
  15. You see that little purple player in the minimap? I was behind and I saw everything. He RAMMED you. He did not BLOCK. You need to know the difference. You can Ram but you can NOT block. Ram = Crashing into another player while keep racing. Block = You stand in the middle of the road and do not allow other player(s) to pass. I hope it is clear for you. You got muted for insulting. You keep talking dirty a lot and I ignored them all saying to myself "Heat of the moment and you just got angry", but you need to control yourself.
  16. KING!
  17. More race maps!
  18. Cena


    Both marked.
  19. Cena


    If they do it again report with more proof. The punishment will get higher then.
  20. You can log in now. Next time just contact me in discord (Cena#1101) or Forum PM if this happens again!
  21. Cena


  22. Wow race players are more active than Mix this time! Surprise surprise!
  23. Cena NTS - Cenation IV
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