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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Cena

  1. Cena

    Look who decided to visit the forums again xD @VMR 


    I know you don't know me 

    1. VMR


      What a gigant nostalgia trip, this is crazy

  2. @Selim @Kreator @Matoosh I rewarded you guys.
  3. Idk why you were banned but you were since 2011 xD I hope I don't regret this
  4. Muted 7 days.
  5. Cena


    Muted 7 days
  6. The list Matiasz posted showing position not points
  7. LOL I thought they are points too not positions xD
  8. If I know what you mean, then this isn't how it should work. If no player got a position, none of them take points. Only the players who have finished take points.
  9. Can I upload on Mr Green channel as well?
  10. Why so long!
  12. Its not Ulas to blame, he sent me this topic to confirm and I did. I didn't think players would team in a fun DD event... My bad.
  13. Shall we add this back with a little bit of modification?
  14. I wouldn't recommend it either. Most SH maps are during night and dark floor, so even if black rocket is possible, it would be almost invisible ingame for other players.
  15. Little bit...
  16. Cena

    indian using bugs!

    Its his lag/ping. Desync. We can't do anything about it. In the last SH Event 2 vs 2. I was recording and he was killing me without the rocket touching me even. The only way to stop this is to lower ping limit, but I ain't going to do that. Just avoid Hitman next time.
  17. Send me the map and let me try to fix it and I will tell you what you did wrong then
  18. @Dubby Did you react with a thumb down on my post because I didn't do the same with the race event topic? xD I added it to the sidebar with the DD Event, none is better than the other
  19. Its in a better place now Top of the page!
  20. Did you try to replace the checkpoints (Deleting the existing ones) and adding new checkpoints after you add mrgreen definition? If not then try that.
  21. I did in Discord and FB group/page. I will again later.
  22. I just tested it. I received the email. Idk why I haven't received yours.
  23. Then you have not set the plugin probably. I can help you in discord step by step if you want. Otherwise I will just help you here. Make sure you have followed the plugin steps as well, they are pretty clear. Restarting also works a lot. Don't ask me how it just works lol I haven't received anything. I might have a problem with that, will check it soon. Btw my discord is Cena#1101 If you have it then add me there. So I can get you your account back. Otherwise, just send me a forum PM here with your old account information if you remember any.
  24. You even created an account for this particular problem? and you even called your account mapupload! WOW
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