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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Cena

  1. Assist of Skills vs Infinity results: Forzet: 7+4+2+4 Ass: 5+1+2+3+7+4+1+3 RNQ: 2+1+1+5 SilentBeast: 5+3+1+7+5+3 Saffy: 5+1+1+5+7 95 ______________________________________ Mekuar: 4+5+3+5+2 Kneelz: 3+3+1+1 Cloudly: 1+3+5+1+3 Filipy: 5+1 Ravel: 3+3+5 57 Assist of Skills proceed to Finals while Infinity will go vs KoM/CnT for 3rd rank.
  2. To prove that Boyka was blocking. Anyway an admin should mark hitman as blocker. Just /ignore boyka and you are all fine. I don't see a reason to mute him, but since I am not going ingame any time soon. I will let an admin decide what he wants to do.
  3. I wasn't around in 2009/2010 or 2012 so idk how much of the gameplay feels like Thank you
  4. Check our discord #announcement channel and check this topic out and our steam group announcements as well. We are already working on one and we had our BETA public test last weekend.
  5. I hope more clans will exist in the next clanwar. Would be lovely to see 15 clans and each clan 5 players.
  6. Thank you @tyfusjap Current standings. Now semi finals which will be: Cenation vs Assist of Skills Kings of Mix vs Infinity I will announce time later on this week, but be ready on Friday and Saturday (Feb 14 and 15) @HITMAN25 @Mekuar @GoldBerg
  7. Can you at least bother to translate?
  8. Enjoy in our servers
  9. There is a chance I won't be available today. Can't tell for sure yet.
  10. I edited @tyfusjap post above. Corrected scores.
  11. Kings of Mix vs Mother Russia results: Jap: 5+1+7+7 points Witchy: 4+7+4+5+5 points Coldberg: 3+5+4 points Selim: 2+5 points Total: 64 points __________________________________ TheMoroccanJOB: 3+3+5+3+5+1 points helloCREEP: 2+5+1+1+3 points Stig: 1+5+3+3+3 points PanditoMan: 1+3+2+1+1 points Flo123: 1 points Total: 56 points
  12. A little update for the clanwar schedule for Sunday 9 Feb FaP vs AoS at 7:00 PM (19:00) FaP vs NGR at 8:00 PM (20:00) FaP vs KoM at 8:30 PM (20:30)
  13. Mother Russia vs No Good Racing results: Flo123: 5+4+5 points TheMoroccanJOB: 4+1+1+3+5+3+1 ponts PanditoMan: 2+3+3 points Stig: 3+3+7+2+1 points helloCREEP: 5+5 points Total: 66 points __________________________________ Nick_026: 3+1+3+7+1+7 points HardGay: 1+5+5 points Minowux: 5+1 points Miku: 5+1+2+3 points AX: 4 points Total: 54 points _________________________________________________________________________ Mother Russia vs Assist of Skills results: Civan: 5+5+1+3+3+1 points AssNTittes: 4+1+4+3+7+5+5+5 points Saffy: 2+2+3+1 points Forzet: 3+3+7+5+5+1+4 points Jamica: 5+1+1+3+3 points Tota: 101 points _______________________________________ TheMoroccanJOB: 3 points Stig: 1 points Flo123: 5 points helloCREEP: 2+1 points PanditoMan: 7 points Total 19 points _________________________________________________________________________ Cenation vs Assist of Skills results: gromghost777: 5+5+5+5 points Cena: 2+7+2+3+3 points pekipeki4: 1+1+1+3 points Zullolo: 3+3 points Tota: 49 points ___________________________________________ AssNTittes: 4+1+1+7+4 points Hitman: 3+2+3+1 points Saffy: 5+3+5+5 points Civan: 1+5+4+5+7 points Forzet: 3+1+1 points Total: 71 points _________________________________________________________________________ Cenation vs Infinity results: Ravel: 5+5+1+5 points Kneelzy: 3 points Mekuar: 2+1+1+4+3+1+2+1 points Pegux: 1+5 points Filipy: 1+5+5+1+5 points Total: 57 points __________________________________ gromghost777: 4+3+7+3+7 points Zullolo: 3+5+7+3+3 points Cena: 3+5+3 points pekipeki4: 2+1+4 points Total: 63 points _________________________________________________________________________ Infinity vs Kings of Mix results: Jap: 5+4 points Laca: 3+3+1+1+5+5 points Witcher: 2+5+5+4+3+1+3+3 points Berg: 1+5+7+5+1+7 points Selim: 1+3+5+5+3 points Tota: 96 points ___________________________ Pegux: 4+7 points Rave: 3 points Filipy: 1+2 points Mekuar: 2+3+1 points Boyka: 1 points Tota: 24 points _____________________________________________________________________________ Current standings:
  14. Cena

    Ban Cena

    Oki done
  15. I totally agree with you. It is how it is right now. Which is good. We ain't Formula 1 here Might as well just go play single player....
  16. Thats because I have one only in race I was just jking no worries
  17. @Ywa Congratulations. You made it on this list!!! I should be added too, ugh thank you for forgetting me. Yes I am a race mapper too
  18. I have updated the schedule. Please tell me maps already in forum PM or discord vs each team you guys want so I get everything ready already. @Mekuar @GoldBerg @jack123 @HITMAN25 @HardGay @ChickenAttack
  19. Infinity vs Assist of Skills results: AssNTittes: 5+7+1+5+5+5+3 points RNQ: 3+5+5 points Hitman: 2+3+4 points Civan: 3+3+3+5+1 points Saffy: 1+5+7+1+1+1+3+7 points Tota: 94 points _______________________________ Mekuar: 4+4+3+1 points Kneelzy: 1+3 points Filipy: 2 points Sky: 1+2 points Boyka: 5 points Total: 26 points ___________________________________________________________________________ Cenation vs No Good Racing results: gromghost777: 5+7+5+2+7+7+5+2 points Cena: 4+5+3+4+1+5+1 points pekipeki4: 1+3+3+1+3+3+3 points suckaer: 5+5+4 points Total: 94 points _________________________________ Nick_026: 3+1+5+5 points Laris: 2+1 points AX: 1+3+1 points HardIveko: 3 points GayForEwan: 1 points Total: 26 points ___________________________________________________________________________ Cenation vs FaP results: pekipeki4: 4+5+1+1 points Cena: 2+5+5+7+4+4+5 points gromghost777: 3+1+3+7+5+3+1+7 points suckaer: 2 points Total: 75 points ________________________________________________ Kash: 5+3 points Panzer: 3+1+3+1 points Cockenegger: 1+3+3 points FaP|Kreator: 2+5+5+5 points Tear: 1+1+3 points Total: 45 points ___________________________________________________________________________ FaP vs Mother Russia Results: Cockenegger: 5+3+3 points FaP|Kreator: 2+1+2 points Panzer: 5+1 points Kash: 1+2 points Tear: 5 points Tota: 30 points ________________________________ helloCREEP: 4+5+3+1 points Stig: 3+4+5+4+7+1+3 points PanditoMan: 1+3+1+1+3+5+5 points TheMoroccanJOB: 7+1+5+3+5+3 points Total: 83 points Current standings:
  20. Here we go and the meme war starts again!
  21. Infinity vs No Good Racing results: Mekuar: 7+3+3+4+1+1+2 points Kneelz: 5+5+3+5+7+5+1 points Boyka: 1+1+5+1+3 points PeggY: 7+2+5+3+5 points Filipy: 3+3+5+1 points +7 points Total: 97 points ________________________________ Outland: 4+5+1 points HardGay: 3 points Nostral: 2 points HardIveko: 1 points Nick_026: 4+3 points Tota: 23 points Assist of Skills vs Kings of Mix results: Civan: 5+5+7+5+5+4 points Hitman: 1+1+5 points RNQ: 5+7+1 points Saffy: 3+1 points AssNTitties: 3+2 points Total: 60 points ____________________________ Berg: 4+1+4+5 points Jap: 3+5+1+1+1 points Selim: 7+3+5+3 points Coldberg: 3+3+3 points Witchy: 2+3+2+1 points Total: 60 points Current standings:
  22. Better than u
  23. Cenation vs Kings of Mix results: Berg: 1+1+2+7 points Coldberg: 3+1+3 points Selim: 5+5+3+5+2+5 points Jap: 1+5+3+4+1 points Witchy: 1+1+3+5+3 points Total: 70 points ________________________________ Pekipeki4: 5+3+2 points mr.reese: 3+4+1+5 points gromsghost777: 7+5+7+4 points Cena: 3+1 points Total: 50 points
  24. Kings of Mix vs No Good Racing results: Smegma: 5+5+5+4+3+3+1+3 points Witchy: 3+3+1+5+1+1 points Coldberg: 1+4+3+7+1+4+3 points Berg: 3+2+5+2+5+5 points Selim: 5+3+7+5+7 points Total: 115 points ________________________________________ HardGay: 2 points Semert: 1 points GayForEwan: 1 points Outland: 1 points Total: 5 points ________________________________________________________________________________ Infinity vs FapGods results: Filipy: 5+3+7+5+1+3+7+4 points Kneelzy: 3+4+3+4+1+5+2 points Mekuar: 1+7+5+1+5+5+3+5+5 points BoyKa: 2+1+3+1 points Ravel: 1+5+2+3+3 points Total: 115 points _______________________________________ Lariss: 3+1 points Panzer: 1 points Total 5 points ________________________________________________________________________________ Cenation vs Mother Russia results: gromghost777: 5+1+5+5+5+5 points Cena: 4+1+1+1+4+7 points mr.reese: 1+5+1+3+1 points pekipeki4: 3+5+4+5+3+1+1+5 points Total: 82 points ______________________________________ Flo123: 3+3+7+3+3 points TheMoroccanJOB: 2 points PanditoMan123: 7+2 points helloCREEP: 3+3 points Jack123: 2 points Total: 38 points ________________________________________________________________________________
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