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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Cena

  1. You actually answered your self. In the video Kash rammed HardGay to defend his position. Its fine and you guys can do the exact same to him. What you guys can't do is block him, which is stopping in front of him and preventing him from racing.
  2. You even said block "attempt". So it was not successful block. Anyway you should have titled it "Ram attempt" instead because thats an obvious ramming. Ramming is allowed.
  3. Hello, everyone. I would like to announce that we are working on bringing back our Garry's Mod Zombie Survival server in the near future. Thanks to @LuCkEr- and @Lejorah we have managed to start development again. The version we have is from 2012. We are still making sure everything is stable, but most of the work is done. At this time we will not have a public server available to play on, but keep an eye out on our Discord server for play tests, those will be happening up till the release. Upon release everyone will be able to play. All suggestions and opinions are welcome, just post your opinion below! All feedback during play tests are also welcome and we will do our best to address the issues.
  4. Once we are 100 followers, and we host the giveaway in our discord #giveaway channel. If your name comes out but you are not following our Instagram account. You will be disqualified. Also the giveaway will be 10k gcs to 5 lucky players!! So prize pool of 50k gcs!!
  5. let us have multiple votes!!
  6. Round 1 will be at : Kings of Mix vs No Good Racing Friday 31 Jan 19:00 (Click to convert to your local time). The other 2 clanwars are 1 hour after the first one. Infinity vs FapGods Friday 31 Jan 20:00 Cenation vs Mother Russia Friday 31 Jan 21:00 __________________________________________________________________ Round 2 will be at: FapGods vs Cenation Saturday 1 Feb 19:00 (Click to convert to your local time). The other 2 clanwars are 1 hour after the first one. No Good Racing vs Infinity Saturday 1 Feb 20:00 Assist of Skills vs Kings of Mix Saturday 1 Feb 21:00 __________________________________________________________________ Round 3 will be at: Infinity vs Assist of Skills Sunday 2 Feb 19:00 (Click to convert to your local time). The other 2 clanwars are 1 hour after the first one. Cenation vs No Good Racing Sunday 2 Feb 20:00 Mother Russia vs FapGods Sunday 2 Feb 21:00 __________________________________________________________________ Round 4 will be at: No Good Racing vs Mother Russia Friday 7 Feb 19:00 (Click to convert to your local time). The other 2 clanwars are 1 hour after the first one. Assist of Skills vs Cenation Friday 7 Feb 20:00 Kings of Mix vs Infinity Friday 7 Feb 21:00 __________________________________________________________________ Round 5 will be at: Cenation vs Kings of Mix Saturday 8 Feb 19:00 (Click to convert to your local time). The other 2 clanwars are 1 hour after the first one. Mother Russia vs Assist of Skills 8 Feb 20:00 FapGods vs No Good Racing 8 Feb 21:00 __________________________________________________________________ Round 6 will be at: Assist of Skills vs FapGods Sunday 9 Feb 19:00 (Click to convert to your local time). The other 2 clanwars are 1 hour after the first one. Kings of Mix vs Mother Russia Sunday 9 Feb 20:00 Infinity vs Cenation Sunday 9 Feb 21:00 __________________________________________________________________ Round 7 will be at: Mother Russia vs Infinity Friday 14 Feb 19:00 (Click to convert to your local time). The other 2 clanwars are 1 hour after the first one. FapGods vs Kings of Mix Friday 14 Feb 20:00 No Good Racing vs Assist of Skills Friday 14 Feb 21:00 __________________________________________________________________ Its gonna be a long clan-war. Each clan will play vs the other clan ones. The top 4 clans will advance to the semi finals stage. The other 4 will be obviously eliminated. These timings are FIXED and will NOT change under any circumstances. Good luck to everyone. Everything is clear, but if you want to ask something then do it below, please not in PM. I get tons of PMs and its hard to reply to everyone which means I could ignore you accidentally.
  7. Where I am, I should be 1st
  8. Tractor fight
  9. I added VIP days beside GCs for rewards.
  10. Cenation: Cena gromghost777 mr.reese peki Venomous Sub: suckaer Zullolo
  11. Idk but CnT is joining xD
  12. Cena

    Faber's unban

    Its removed. I banned you on Tuesday not Monday. I am late 1 day my bad, sorry. Anyway you can join now.
  13. Go discord
  14. I have updated the requirements.
  15. Oh xD
  16. Mix Clan War #4 Hello and welcome everyone to the forth clan war in Mr. Green Gaming. Just little reminder of the rules and requirements but always feel free to ask! Lets start with the requirements: Every clan who are willing to join, they must follow two simple rules: 1- To join the clan war, you need 5 members of your clan members to join. Same 5 members will be joining all the time, (You can add 2 more members of your clan as an backup, in case players couldn't come, the other 2 can replace them) so total 7 players for each clan. 2- There will be 2,000 GCs deducted from your account. You can ask for another clan member to pay for you. Canceled. The prize: The winning team will receive 25,000 GCs each member 14 days VIP Second clan will earn 15,000 GCs each member 7 days VIP Third clan will earn 10,000 GCs each member 5 days VIP How will it work? After you guys register to the tournament. You will receive a forum PM on forums or Discord from Cena (me) with all necessary information. We have a 2nd mix server with a password which will be changed frequently (for clan members, PLEASE do not share the password with anyone when you receive a password) which ONLY participating clan members will feel free to join. How to register? Only clan owners can register. They need to make a post below mentioning their clan name. Their ingame name and their clan members who will be participating. How will a clan get qualified? We will RANDOMLY choose teams to fit in a "draw". Each 2 clans will be fighting each other without the interference of ANY other community member. There will be NTS, RTF, SH and DD. Each one of them will be played 1 round. Each clan can suggest 1 map per gamemode every time they fight 24 hours before their clan war. If they fail to do so, then random maps will be set. For NTS: 1st player receive 5 points for the team, 2nd player receive 4 points for the team, 3rd player receive 3 points for the team, 4th player receive 2 points for the team and 5th receive 1 point. The rest receive nothing. For SH and DD: 1st player receive 5 point for the team. 2nd player receive 3 points for the team and 3rd player receive 1 point for the team. For RTF: Player who reach the flag first, will earn his team 7 points. In case both clans got exact same amount of points. There will be totally random map (could be any mode) which will be give us the final results. The deadline will be at 24 January. After 24 January I will NOT accept any clan requests to join. ______________________________________________________________________________ For the players who are not participating. They won't be allowed to join the server. However, we will be broadcasting live in YouTube everything happening in the server, so you can feel free to watch whats happening through YouTube. Also the video will be uploaded in the channel after the clan war is done, so you can watch it at anytime you want. Don't forget to subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQNgQEN9iBdnTSbI_nuF71g
  17. What? xD
  18. Because you suck. You Flo YOU only YOU. Kill me in clanwar...
  19. I kicked all. I am alone now
  20. Kurwa jebana is "You are pro" I will ban him for 3 days since its his first ban I believe.
  21. Dude what is this you serious....
  22. You had the whole forums and you only decided to ask in admin applications?!! If you just google it you will find many info about it anyway. It does say its legit.
  23. I still have hope to bring ZS back running again and I am trying to contact several developers for it. I did get in touch with few, but I can't confirm anything yet. But I am definitely working on getting ZS server back online. If any of you guys think can help me out then please get in touch with me as I don't know most of you guys sadly
  24. Hey everyone, so I haven't done a Financial report for months since we have the donation page and everyone can look at, but this time I will post a whole report for the whole year. I already have one for personal use, so I will share it with you guys. All numbers are in Euros. Income for 2019: Jan: 59.84 Feb: 66.62 Mar: 154.13 Apr: 105.07 May: 58.98 June: 69.70 July: 80.61 Aug: 139.65 Sep: 155.53 Oct: 57.26 Nov: 83.07 Dec: 117.42 Total income: 1,147.52 _____________________________________________________________ Expenses for 2019: Server fees: 683.1 Others: 285.63 Total expenses: 968.73 ______________________________________________________________ Balance till 31 Dec 2019 was: 178.79 ______________________________________________________________ Thanks to everyone for good 2019. Hopefully 2020 will be better year for everyone here. If you have any suggestions for community management (Not related to MTA only) then suggest it and I will see what I can do. Happy late new year everyone!
  25. CSGO TOURNAMENT This game sucks
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