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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Cena

  1. Cena


    He is banned for a reason, not to make an unban request.
  2. Never heard of them, are they on steam?
  3. Thank you all for the beautiful words. I really am speechless. I will definitely be around, but I can't own a community in which I am not active in it anymore, specifically in the last 3-4 months. I simply don't have time to game anymore or be around. I didn't want to leave the community or give it away, but it will be better with Afu as an owner. He will able to provide services and features as an owner now which I was not able to do. The community will be better with him in charge. I will stay around and help Afu with what I was working on. Which was few other projects for the community (Multiple new game servers). Thank you all again for the nice words, means a lot to me really and I am happy that I did my best (and will still do). Once I have free time again, I am coming back, but it will take few more months (or years ).
  4. Thank you ❤ I won't, need your help though Thank you! I never seen you writing a long post before thank you Dubby, you deserve all the best. You are a good friend of mine too and always have been my little brother Thank you Kneelzy, we did indeed have a great time together. No worries we will game again together one day for sure ❤❤❤
  5. Hi guys. I have been in this community since 2012 and active since 2014. I did a lot and did my best for this community. Not everyone was happy with my decisions, but I definitely did what I thought is best by that moment. I have been admin, map manager, server manager since 2015 till 2018. I took my ownership then in 2019 and it is Oct 2020. Almost 2 years doing my best and trying to host events and planning new servers and projects for the community. These projects are still in progress and I will be reviewing them and manage them. @AfuSensi will be taking over with the community and manages everything and have the final decision in everything. Thanks to everyone who supported me in the last 2 years. It really means a lot to me and I very much appreciate the help everyone of you did. Whether it was financial support or spiritual. You all are part of who I am today. Good luck @AfuSensi.
  6. Cena

    Map Event

    Mix: DD Lets Spin NTS Never the same
  7. Cena

    Map Event

    Race: @cby choose 2 more race maps in my name Mix: NTS - Cenation III DD - Looney Toons
  8. Cena

    Map Event

    You can request 1 more map for each server.
  9. Each one of you can request 2 maps to be added to the cycle (2 for mix and 2 for race). Just make a post saying your in-game nick and the maps you are requesting. It will be on 24th of Oct Saturday 19:00. Click on the time to convert to local time. Please tell your friends about this topic. If you guys want to request anything else just mention it below. Enjoy.
  10. Hey guys, want some map event again and double gcs? There haven't been any events for MONTHS. OR you want something different this time? Something simple I can do and doesn't require a developer Lemme know or if you want map event but with some modification than usual (like you have suggestion to do it better). Also let me know. If nothing and just want normal map event as usual. I will go ahead and host one next weekend, but let me know today what you guys want.
  11. He isn't even applying for MTA. Ofc you don't know him!!!
  12. Hello! I will start posting financial report every 3 months from now on. Income Server expenses Other expenses July and August were the worst month I ever experienced with Mr. Green (Financially speaking). Very low donations. However, the old donations covered up these 2 months, but it did effect our balance badly. It went down fast and it is low now. I hope we can recover from it together. Thanks to everyone who is putting every cent into this community. It really is appreciated and because of you the community is still online and running. Little reminder: Other expenses could be forum renewal, developers payments, server advertising and anything similar to that.
  13. @Venom2013 Can you tell us why you think you fit for the job, and why we would want to accept you?
  14. As far as I am aware. That is already how it works. It brings the least played map and adds it to the vote.
  15. You wanna be a cop or what, most of your PJs are cop xD
  16. What is this for exactly?
  17. Read this and edit your topic or it will be ignored:
  18. https://youtu.be/3eIDliohLSo
  19. The new prices are there! Also Double GCs reward ingame for the whole day (24 hours) starting on 16th Sep! Be sure to take advantage of that. Enjoy everyone!!
  20. Don't blame me, many ppl don't know that
  21. Its not really deleted. Just not in the map cycle anymore. They are still in F6 > Map Center
  22. Don't you mean 2005 and 2006? xD
  23. 2015 and 2016? I see your typos
  24. For this anniversary. We will have GCs and VIP discounts As well as Double GCs reward ingame. I will write them below the new rates which will be available for everyone between 14th of Sep till 20th of Sep. For GCs donation. Every €1 = 1500 GCs For VIP donation. Every €1 = 6 days and 500 GCs There will be minimum €3 donation and maximum of €20. If you decide to donate more than €20. Any additional money over the €20 will be set back to the original rates. ____________________________________________________________________ If you are incapable of donating. On 16th of Sep. There will be Double GCs reward ingame. Be sure to be there if you are lacking GCs. If you have any simple and fun idea which I can do ingame on 16th of Sep. Then let me know.
  25. @Dubby
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