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So this is a quick poll. I want you guys to vote and share it with your other friends so we can get enough votes as much as possible. Thank you.
MTA Racing Tutorials || PART 3 || Useful ways for San Andreas racing
Cena replied to FALTy's topic in Multi Theft Auto
It is useful and nice video. Good one. -
Mix Clan War #5 Hello and welcome everyone to the fifth clan war in Mr. Green Gaming. Just little reminder of the rules and requirements but always feel free to ask! Lets start with the requirements: Every clan who are willing to join, they must follow two simple rules: 1- To join the clan war, you need 5 members of your clan members to join. Same 5 members will be joining all the time, (You can add 1 more member of your clan as a backup, in case a player couldn't come, the other 1 can replace him) so total 6 players for each clan. 2- There will be 6,000 GCs fees for each clan (1,000 GCs per player). The prize: Prizes will vary according to how many clans register. The more clans the higher the reward will be. The prizes below are an example of 6 registered clans. If we manage to have more, the prizes below will be higher. If we will have less than 6 clans, the rewards will be lower. The winning team will receive 25,000 GCs for each member and 14 days VIP Second clan will earn 15,000 GCs for each member and 7 days VIP Third clan will earn 10,000 GCs for each member and 5 days VIP How will it work? After you guys register to the tournament. You will receive a forum PM on forums or Discord from Cena (me) with all necessary information. We have a 2nd mix server with a password which will be changed frequently (for clan members, PLEASE do not share the password with anyone when you receive a password) which ONLY participating clan members will feel free to join. How to register? Only clan owners can register. They need to make a post below mentioning their clan name. Their in-game name and their clan members who will be participating. How will a clan get qualified? We will RANDOMLY choose teams to fit in a "draw". Each 2 clans will be fighting each other without the interference of ANY other community member. There will be NTS, RTF, SH and DD. Each one of them will be played 1 round. Each clan can suggest 2 maps per game mode any time they fight 24 hours before their clan war. If they fail to do so, then random maps will be set. In short: There will be total 4 maps per game mode. 2 for each clan to choose. 1 round per map. For NTS: 1st player receive 5 points for the team, 2nd player receive 4 points for the team, 3rd player receive 3 points for the team, 4th player receive 2 points for the team and 5th receive 1 point. The rest receive nothing. For SH and DD: 1st player receive 5 point for the team. 2nd player receive 3 points for the team and 3rd player receive 1 point for the team. For RTF: Player who reach the flag first, will earn his team 7 points. In case both clans got exact same amount of points. There will be totally random map (could be any mode) which will be give us the final results. The deadline will be at 8th of June. After 8th of June, I will NOT accept any clan requests to join. ______________________________________________________________________________ For the players who are not participating. They won't be allowed to join the server. However, we will be broadcasting live in YouTube everything happening in the server, so you can feel free to watch whats happening through YouTube. Also the video will be uploaded in the channel after the clan war is done, so you can watch it at anytime you want. Don't forget to subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQNgQEN9iBdnTSbI_nuF71g
You shouldn't. Our maps are not for download for the public.
and he got mad at me few days ago when I marked him as blocker for 24 hours and banned him for 3 days since he start to insult me for that mark I did to him. I will ban him for a week now.
Not only pay for slots, but make it limited. So each clan doesn't go over a certain number. In most servers they have this to their team system which is good. FaP, MR, Team Yoshi and MANY more clans are having too many players for our player base. Sometimes MR or FaP players are more than half of the server online lol. I strongly recommend the limited slots for clans.
@ARCEcho97 If you still visit the forums then contact me.
Doesn't matter where are the players from. Having that much members in 1 clan is insane. Specially with our low player base. FaP and Team Yoshi have the same issue. Some other clans too, but these 3 clans which I noticed good.
Omg vapor, I think this is one of the longest posts in this forums xD Lemme reply to you and reese in order of what I think. @mr.reese first: 1- Language Chat Language chat would be lovely in Mix. As he said we have many players from different countries and they keep chatting in their own language. Which can get sometimes annoying. In Race players don't chat as much as in Mix. Since players just die in SH and DD or not playing either RTF or NTS, so they spend their time chatting. Unlike Race where everyone almost is busy racing. We know about it reese, but we just can't add it yet. We are focusing on a bigger thing for Mix and Race, and once its done. You won't face the problem of different languages in the chat, but just be patient. Big projects can't be done in one night. Sure we can add a fast coded thing for language chat, but lets keep everything professional and wait for the big things to happen. 2- Laggers Laggers are indeed a problem. Even me with 120-140 ping I face troubles with them. They teleport in NTS and end up ramming you in NTS while they don't even realize that. They kill you easily in SH and DD, because they simply can. They should get "Lagger" status in NTS, but sometimes they don't. I don't know why, maybe @AfuSensi could give an explanation why they don't get marked as lagger even tho they are obviously having unstable and high ping. For DD and SH would be the bigger problem. I was thinking of lowering the ping limit in both of these gamemodes to 200 and keep 250 ping limit in other gamemodes. Of course the ping limits would increase after 12:00 midnight, but through out the day, would be 200 in SH and DD and 250 in all other gamemodes. I forgot about it though and didn't ask a developer to help me with it, but I will now since I remember. 3- Teams Some teams do have so many members. Almost the whole active players. Which is annoying and it sucks. MR, FaP and Team Yoshi are good example of that. I checked them 1-2 days ago and they have 60+ players each, which is unfair. Therefore, I have thought of this solution, but I want to know if you guys would agree with it. I will make this sentence in red since I want other players to see it and tell me their opinion! How about we make all clans have 10 slots as default when a team is created. Any clan can have up to 10 players in it. Then we can add slots purchase so the team member can increase the capacity of his team, but we would limit it to 20, 25 or 30. Idk yet how much exactly, but you get the point. This will prevent clans to have such big amount of players and therefore be either clanless or create their own team with their own friends. I already suggested this idea to some people, but I didn't get the answer I was hoping for. Let me know what you guys think of this idea OR if you have a better solution, then suggest it please. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now you @V4POR 1- Music player/radio We were working on it, but I guess we had some problems with it and tbh I forgot the problem. Maybe @AfuSensi can help out in this point since he was the one doing it. He most probably remembers if there is a problem or not, but I like your idea and I stand by it strongly. Would be great addition. 2- Map rating system I do agree to remove maps with high amount of dislike and low likes, but then the rate should be very high. Some authors get /disliked by players before they even play the map, just simply because they dislike the author. So IF we will implement this rule. It should be like 85% or higher of the likes/dislikes are dislikes. @AfuSensi @GoldBerg @Dubby @tyfusjap @MoshPit. Tell me what do you guys think. You are Managers and Map managers and active ingame. You have a better solution for this or nah and you dislike this idea? 3- Teams Having multiple owners/semi owners is good idea and I support it too. Hopefully we will have it one day in the future, but lets be patient for now. AfuSensi is doing so much and he also have a life. He can't code for us 24/7, but he is doing a great job, so lets just wait for him and hope for the best to come. What I want to be done with Teams is another "button" in F6 > Teams which may be called "Save changes". Which allow team owners to change clan name, tag and color without the need of renewing. Clan logo is a new idea, how would that work? 4- Leaderboard/tops Maybe adding badges ingame in the stats of each player would be nice. Adding more options to see your top 500 is way too much and top/ranking by country would be nice yes, but how would this be done? Like shown to other players. 5- Replay Everything is possible since it can be coded, but it just sound a waste of time imo. No need for it at all. At least at the moment. Just record using your own pc. Simpler. 6- Admin/moderator system If a player is looking for Mod/Admin to have more powers ingame. We will know that.They usually do mistakes which show it. Gold is mainly the one responsible of the applications, but we take other admin suggestions and opinions too. Also about that admin is 99% right when an argue. This is true unless the player can prove otherwise. An exception of that would be if an admin/mod is getting reported by many players and for the same reason, but if players are teaming up against 1 mod/admin. We don't take them seriously unless they have clear and convincing points. We also have access to logs which I can check anytime a player is blaming any mod/admin of insult or hate speech. Since you mentioned Ulas because one of his friends got banned which he thinks it is unfair ban. I am not going to baby sit and make everyone feel good about me or any other admin. We take decisions that other players won't like and we get hated for that, but it is what is best for the server. Admins and myself explained everything to Ulas and others, they are refusing to listen and still saying I am abuser and many other things. Which is fine, but they reach the point of teasing and bullying. Just trying to create chaos instead of fixing things. They can leave without any feels of regrets. Once they mature up, they are always welcome. It doesn't make me happy to ban players. I want everyone to play in our servers happily, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do as an admin which other players won't like. We are not here to get liked by players. We are here to improve the server and the gameplay. 7- Stability/bug fixes I don't know what causes that tbh. @AfuSensi I mentioned you a lot I know If you have any idea why that happens let us know please! 8- Voice chat perk Voice perk do work, with most players at least. We don't have time to look into it. Specially that not many players are buying it or even using it. So its not a priority right now. 9- Custom emotes This does sound interesting, so just an emoji that shows up above the player's car? Could be fun honestly. Maybe we can have it in the near future. 10- Free reroll NEVER EVER!!! Reroll will always cost GreenCoins and it should be, you are taking something extra in NTS/DD. Which can help you win. It is also cheap to make sure most players can buy it. I am not looking into increasing this perk price at all, but not making it free either. Here I made another long ass post just like you did
I am not sure if I understand your opinion tbh. If you can rephrase what you said would be better or if someone understood what he said, then explain to me please. As Mosh asked, what rules?
Introduction Hello everyone. So as most of you know. I have been owner of this community for a year and 6 months already and I like to make such topic every 6 months to keep everyone updated generally. A lot of have changed within the community. We will still keep changing and hopefully to the better. This community is still on and running thanks to all of you. You are the reason why Mr. Green still exists. Events We have had many giveaways and events during the time of my ownership and thanks to many of our players who have organized an event by themselves. I hope I see them doing it more frequently in the future to keep the players excited and engaged. I will hopefully assist you guys with hosting events more. If you guys have any suggestions about hosting events just feel free to say it in a topic below. Financial situation Regardless of our small player base, but we are having a great financial support by our members. I am very thankful for that. I will post Mr. Green Financial Report 2020 in the next couple of days. I even have managed to save a good amount of our donations into developing our community as much as possible. Read the "Development" section below, I have some good news. Development I should mention the people who are spending their free time into developing our website and servers. Great thanks to: @AfuSensi @LuCkEr- @Haxardous @Mihoje These 4 people did spend so much time for Mr. Green during my ownership. Some are more active than others, but they all contributed. Without them I wouldn't be able to run Mr. Green by myself. There are 3 other developers who are busy doing some nice stuff for our community, but we are still in the early stage. I will announce when we make a significant progress, so stay tuned guys. The future of Mr. Green We are still working into improving our servers and expanding our community. If all goes according to plan, then we should have a noticeable player base increase. __________________________________________________________________________ This is it! If you have any word or opinion you would like to say. Please say it below, but keep it clean and neat! Have a good day everyone!
I don't know, but I will try to make it as fast as possible. I will hopefully I am trying to contact old Mr. Green Minecraft players to get more information about how our server was. If you guys think can help me out, then contact me in forum PM or in discord please Cena#1101
Since people are very generous. Next clan war's reward will be donated by the players!! Thank you Haze for the brilliant idea!
Wait for the official one!
Reminds me of @besweeet on discord
I muted him in discord now.
Did you really have to say 0.0008333333 centuries Anyway, thank you @ChowBoy for editing your topic.
I never seen this before
A little reminder, it is tomorrow. I hope everyone is coming.
People who are not involved are not allowed to post in any topic in "Ban Requests & Protests". Please avoid this in the future.
Thank you guys for posting what you think, but you guys are not allowed to post in any topic in "Ban Requests & Protests" unless you are involved. I will give forum warning points if I see it again.
Hey guys, I know it have been years since we had our Zombie Survival server in Gmod, but guess what. Thanks to @Lejorah and @LuCkEr-. We are able to work on it again and re-host our server. We are willing to release the server this summer! This is a teaser video! Have a look into it and wait for us. We will do our best to ensure that our server will be back and better than before. Thanks to everyone who is supporting us and will be coming when we release the server. Thanks to @Meme for the video!