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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by RealJesus

  1. #shade damn bruv, are you a masochist? good luck with the app though
  2. The first vid shows Hoofdvan ramming. For what looks like a ram to be a block, the perpetrator needs to be ahead of the victim. The perpetrator needs to move into the victim to block them and stop them from passing the perpetrator. "Ramming to protect his position" is blocking, but that is not the case in the first vid. If you ram to get ahead (which is what he did in the first clip), ram to take someone you're side to side with to take them out and make that position yours, that's legit ram. Ram when you're ahead to block someone faster from moving ahead of you and "protect your position" is blocking. That's what happened in the second vid. Clear block.
  3. Ingame nickname: SDK Mapname: [NTS] MARATHON
  4. can she even use a pc? lmao
  5. don't forget todos putos = all of you voted badly callate = californian latte pinche mexicanos = a pinch of mexican food tu madre = you matter
  6. Group H #UCLdraw

    Real Madrid

    Borussia Dortmund

    Tottenham Hotspur


    Read more  
    1. Maher
    2. RealJesus


      Can't wait for Bale and Modric to come back home

    3. ChickenAttack
  7. Running it all on Windows 98, nothing less #oldschool #90s
  8. Me playing MTA
  9. lmao
  10. RealJesus


  11. should've made an announcement video with the "and his name is john cena" meme
  12. classy david
  13. seems highly plausible considering the race's ranking; if sandy was deliberately blocking steam within this context, sandy would be in front of steam.
  14. nah, akeno's turkish and intellectually impaired sadly, the guy cannot do basic mathematics but manages to play rather well; a shame really, considering he's quite the annoying character
  15. Napoleon in game
  16. arrête de demander constamment, ça n'aide en rien ton cas; plus tu cris plus ils vont faire le sourd
  17. he scores when he wants, he scores when he wants, vincent janssen, he scores when he wants
  18. you know how the saying goes: "senza tentazioni senza onore"
  19. 10/10 would also bang
  20. Hello beau gosse
  21. @Cena found this gem on Twitter
  22. احذروا من لا يرجى خيره ولا يؤمن شره
  23. wtf then when are y'all removing DD ffs
  24. 10/10 would bang, sandy
  25. RealJesus


    you're "mutated" alright
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