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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Donlan

  1. I do believe it is possible to start with a magnum (with the help of the store)
  2. Magnum & Knife
  3. I've used a whole of 34 names overall, my rank for just Donlan is 193rd with 78 hours played.
  4. Nice off-topic & spammy post there
  5. Funny thing is I used to be quite a good ZS player several months back, but now after I started playing CS:S on a competitive level I suck at ZS.
  6. How about something like an abandoned prison? Here's a little map vmf I worked on a while back (it was going to be a HL2:DM map, with a Nova Prospekt theme to it, but I felt the theme was more horror orientated. Link
  7. I liked that version of the HUD more than any other
  8. I liked that old font used, ( the one that looks handwritten)
  9. I like where this thread is going
  10. I don't have any pictures of this, but here I go anyway. I can remember when I started last year, just after iron sights were added to weapons; it would take like 15 minutes to be able to get a place on the server because it was that busy...
  11. I'd like to say I've got the "classic" set up for a typical basement-dwelling gamer e.g. Playing in a walk-in cupboard or basement complete with a yellowing monitor , but somehow having a decent Computer set up at the same time. But I can't take pictures because it's so bloody dark in here, I can't be bothered to switch a light on and a yellowing monitor would ruin this thread.
  12. I thought it was that guy who had the stupidly long name and was banned for a weapon exploit. I can still remember the screen shots of that zombie with a scout. And Hobo & everyone else don't post unless you're going to post on topic material.
  13. Is there any way to close a thread or does an admin have to do it since this thread seems to of been derailed straight to hell.
  14. I don't know who the heck you are or why you're being so rude. Maybe maintain some form of common decency and say why.
  15. Please, was there any need to be so rude in that post?
  16. I wasn't suggesting maps to be added in this thread, just trying to get people together for group map projects.
  17. Well there seems to be alot less people suggesting & making maps anymore which obviously means no new maps on the server which in the end means not as much fun to be had while playing. So I propose some form of unofficial community made maps to be made to counter this lack of content. For example a list of criteria for the maps content is posted, then people post and state what part of the map they'd like to work on (be it texturing, designing it ect) Also I've got many map .vmfs from failed & completed maps that I could release if people wanted to build upon them (s lnog as credit is given in some way or form) So post your thoughts on this idea
  18. Valve already remade Half-Life as "half life: source" and the remake you're talking about is black mesa source which isn't being made by valve, it's being made like any other mod with a normal mod team.
  19. Why is this in the tutorial section?
  20. Well the 2-3 hour thing is what my stats say, but then again the stats are pretty screwed up.
  21. I'm no where near the best player on the server but Bean's right the coins aren't that hard to earn. I myself have managed to earn 780 something in like 2-3 hours of game time.
  22. Donlan

    My new map

    The walls that make up the outside of the building do seem a bit bland & repetitive (this isn't really helped by the brick texture used, since the brick textures provided in the SDK were meant for use on walls rather than buildings)
  23. Will there still be some from of donation system, like a user title and the extra weapons? From what most people say who've donated (that I know of) that they were the main reasons they donated (alongside showing community support)
  24. I'll do that in in a minute when I reconnect (closed Gmod to read the announcement made)
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