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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Donlan

  1. Just a quick update if it helps, Prismaa yesterday checked my achievements & stats and saw the same crap I see.
  2. Funny this morning that his fake server was hosting gm_construct with the Nox gamemode despite the server been named "Mr Green's" (This was before I notified Linki, who then notified Ywa)
  3. I'd suggest adding a Chrisaster zombie class on the server maybe he can use the Kleiner player model and have an ability to sap your life away perhaps.
  4. Here's a very short overview of what the hell is going on. Guy named Chrisaster perm banned from Nox, Chrisaster starts up fake nox server, fake server carries LUA virus, LUA virus spams "nox sucks", Donlan interviews Chrisaster and gets some answers.
  5. I never knew there was a TF2 server...
  6. Since Chrisaster is all the rage at the moment I decided to get in on the action and interviewed him myself... For all of you who didn't know Chrisaster is the guy behind the fake servers and the current drama going on, he'd most probably describe himself as a "gmod cyber terrorist" I managed to ask him about: what he's doing, why he's doing it, how he's doing it and i got alot of other misc crap along the way So read on... (screens of it can be provided if you ask) Donlan: Good afternoon sir Chrisaster: Who be you? Donlan: I am the banker Donlan: And I have been unable to allocate the monies to your account Chrisaster: Donlan: Due to an LUA virus Chrisaster: oh this one Chrisaster: [url="http://pastebin.com/f5a53e08e"]http://pastebin.com/f5a53e08e[/url] Donlan: yes Chrisaster: what about it? Donlan: I got a few questions Chrisaster: gogogo Donlan: Thinks of this as a Q & A Donlan: Why have you gone from Nox hating to Mr green? Chrisaster: i can't tell you that Chrisaster: and it's not hating Chrisaster: next question. Donlan: Not hating? Donlan: What is it? Chrisaster: Amusement Chrisaster: e.g. Chrisaster: raffa2: how did you infected my computer? Donlan: Interesting Donlan: So this is jsut a daily hobby of yours? Donlan: just* Chrisaster: no, just this weekend. Donlan: You could atleast do the community a favour and target a community no one likes e.g. kudomiku's Chrisaster: well Chrisaster: what i have done now Chrisaster: players join, they get infected, the Gman shit plays, then it just disconnects them Chrisaster: so they are left to roam free to wherever they wish. Chrisaster: I am just using popular servers to lure them in Donlan: that would explain why you haven't bothered with Killas zombie server... Chrisaster: lol Chrisaster: also i am a regular member of Killa's Chrisaster: and I would get raped by Killa Donlan: So enough about servers, next question Donlan: just how did you manage this? Donlan: Was it a simple LAU file that rebinds keys? Chrisaster: give me one good reason why i should tell you.. Donlan: LUA* Donlan: You've already gave up most of your plan? Chrisaster: It exploits a certain command to override another command Chrisaster: and then executes more commands with that exploited command Donlan: Similar to the Nox and darkland crap seen in june of this eyar then? Donlan: year* Chrisaster: no Chrisaster: this is completely different Donlan: Damn... out of questions Chrisaster: don't you want to know how many victims i got yesterday? Donlan: Ok Donlan: I was one of them myself Donlan: I connected to see what the heck it did Chrisaster: 170 within 12-5 Donlan: 12-5 pm? Chrisaster: yes.. Chrisaster: what server are you from anyway? Donlan: None really Chrisaster: how did you find out about this then? Donlan: it's Garrysmod (pretty much the Hub of E-drama) Chrisaster: do you know ClavusElite? Donlan: Not personally Chrisaster: Hmm Chrisaster: i just got him. Chrisaster: ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ClavusElite: CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Dropped ClavusElite from server (Kicked by Console) Chrisaster: It also hides chat Chrisaster: so they don't know they are spamming Chrisaster: till they join a real server Chrisaster: and it then disables the escape command Donlan: I saw something involving the server ocnsole spamming Nox sucks yesterday Donlan: console* Chrisaster: probably an admin. Chrisaster: someone tried to pretend they had it yesterday Chrisaster: www.noxiousnet.com/banlist.php Chrisaster: got perma'd Chrisaster: QcMc vоkhimSTEAM_0:0:12863728 Never General Idiot Blue.Frog Donlan: Nope, this was a console message with the greyed out out text. Chrisaster: yes, like i said Chrisaster: probably an admin Chrisaster: messing around. Donlan: Any more misc facts & figures you're willing to throw about? Chrisaster: not really Chrisaster: i see you! Chrisaster: Donlan- Needs a level designer - - STEAM_0:0:15206661 Donlan: I had a fun time getting rid of it... Chrisaster: what did you do? Donlan: Used a simple thing known as deletion Donlan: Checked to see when files were last modified Chrisaster: you deleted gmod..? Donlan: Then deleted the latest files I got from gmod servers Donlan: e.g. the ones i obtained in the laast hour Chrisaster: did that work? Donlan: Yes Chrisaster: hm Donlan: bind "d" "incrementvar;lua_run_cl CreateClientConVar('toggleconsole', 'hi', true, true);say CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@;lua_run_cl timer.Create('lol', 0, 0, function() RunConsoleCommand('say', 'CHRISASTER IS AWESOME! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@') end );lua_run_cl CreateClientConVar('gameui_activate', 'hi', true, true); 0 1 1" Donlan: I see what you did there... Chrisaster: lol Donlan: Thank's for your time, you've provided many answers to the questions everyones asking it was a great interview...
  7. Donlan


    Woh, I haven't seen you on the server since October I think it was.
  8. Yeah, I've got it right here STEAM_0:0:15206661
  9. Donlan, the same as my forum name.
  10. I believe the whole forum will hold you to the last statement.
  11. I've reinstalled gmod atleast 4-5 times since I first had that error and nothing happened, someone on the server once suggested it was something server side.
  12. Well when I'm playing on the server my achievements & stats seem to either freeze or reset themselves every round, sometimes they get replaced by retarded symbols or entity names so the redemption count is "ai_weapon_shotgun" or weird crap like that. Then as for the achievements I've somehow got the 1,000,000 damage achievemnt but none of the others beforehand I'm sure this has been happening to me since the first 2 days after achievements & stats were added a few months back. Any ideas on what the heck is going on?
  13. The wraith or either the poison zombie anyday.
  14. For some weird reason I've got my sensitivity at 1.0 but it feels more like it's at 7.
  15. Only problem is that on some pages they've kind of over complicated things by not really explaining what they're on about properly.
  16. By low senstivity it's a sensitvity of like 1-3 so 10 isn't going to help that much. I'd advise everyone to just atleast give a low sensivity a try for a few days to see how much of a difference it can make to your playing ability.
  17. Damien, I play at a low sensitivity because it allows you to actually take note of what's around you. When you're moving around slower you'll have a better idea of what's going on and have alot more time to react to what's going on. And the fact that I used to play alot of CS1.6 where you had to be aware of your surroundings to make sure some CT doesn't jump you with a knife.
  18. I don't know how the heck you people play at such high sensitivity.
  19. Well I'm not sure if this deserves a topic of it's own but I use one excellent site for help when I optimize a map, it goes in depth on what you can do to improve the performance of a map. I'm pretty sure everyone can learn someting from this. Please note I didn't create this and full credit goes to the website it's hosted on. The site covers the following: -use of nodraw -areaportals -occluders -visleafs -hints And last but not least func_detail So enjoy the tutorial and you may learn something: http://www.student.ru.nl/rvanhoorn/optimization.php
  20. I play it at anything from 1.0-2.0
  21. Not sure about how well it's balanced since that'd need a server with players to test it on.
  22. Fair point, I'll include vials and health packs rather than machines.
  23. Nah, I'm considering of adding some Opera music to a secret room as a way of keeping players away from it.
  24. Thanks for that Linkii, and prepare for yet another map update, this one adding some much needed HP machines and healthpacks to the areas vital for defence And a secret room...or two. And how does everyone feel about some opera music?
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