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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Donlan

  1. You miight want to upgrade. I love the simplicity of the design, but to some people it might be a bit t
  2. Sure is far better than your previous attempts, I'll post some stuff on how to improve it later
  3. There is negligible difference in performance between windows XP & 7 according to my sources.
  4. The bridge type thing would be quite easy to set up, you'd just need to make a pretty intricate wooden type bridge first (individual planks of wood) create the planks separately, tie each one to func_physbox, set that to break on pressure, then just pretty much repeat that untill you get a whole bridge. (Not sure how well it would perform or how practical it would be if used in a map though) Thats just a very basic way o how I'd go about it.
  5. Same, I voted for Clavus since his was one of the more serious entries (which appealed to me more) and had a pretty cool atmosphere to it.
  6. Try and develop your own way of mapping, avoid the standard house defence type maps unless you have something truly unique to add to it, It is far easier to just redo the same idea other people have done before. But coming up with something new and innovative may be harder but gives people something to remember your maps by, when I think of abstract type maps, clavus's work comes to mind when I think of fun & pretty realistic maps I think of Deluvas.
  7. Not the RPG (think of the balance issues)
  8. The SMG's just a bog standard MP7 with an Eotech scope on it, I would like to see some of the HL2 weapons in ZS as well, we currently have the grenades, crowbar and the AR2, why not add the SMG as yet another weapon you can get at 12 kills (maybe as an upgrade at the store)
  9. Duke Nukem was good, me & my bother used to play it at a friend's house because we weren't allowed to at home... G-Police was a brilliant game as well
  10. Oh god that kid would of had a fun time if I was there to fuck around with him.
  11. Does anyone know or remember Kula World?
  12. Actua Soccer was made by Gremlin Interactive but only featured national teams, it turns out there was a follow up called Actua Soccer:club edition which actually did feature licensed premier league teams with their correct names.
  13. Actua Soccer was where it was at Robo, that game could almost deafen when the volume was turned up enough. It made up for the lack of real players by giving the teams the correct kit colours.
  14. I remember seeing that at the local rental store (before Choices videos moved in) they had them stacked behind the counter with a few posters advertising some completely unrelated crap (like the film bonesaw) Does anyone else remember Abe's Odyssey & exodus on the PS1, me & my brother used to play the second on co-op a lot (but we never managed to complete it in co-op mode)
  15. Oh god I remember lego rock raiders, I received it as a present at Christmas once and the game didn't work at all. I did manage to read some of the comic books in the series of it though.
  16. I was playing video games back when I was 5 at the least (I remember reading a preview of Spyro the dragon in '98 then renting it a few weeks later at a video/game rental store) The first games I can remember playing were: Actua Soccer 2 Tekken 2 Ridge Racer I didn't really get into games much until I was 8 though, games like command & conquer pretty much dragged me into gaming though. (the original ones & red alert) I used to buy the official playstation magazine and just play the new demo disc that came with it pretty much untill the new issue came out. One day my older brother came home with a disc he borrowed from a friend of his, and it had a few Net Yaroze game demos on it. (For those who don't know what Net Yaroze was it was a hobbyist's version of a developer's Playstation, it allowed you to design & program games for the PS1) Damn, these were annoying I was playing PS1 games up until around 2001 when we got our first PC and I've been pretty much playing PC games since then (I got a Sega Dreamcast & N64 also at similar periods) so I've pretty much been on a video game playing rampage for the last 11-12 years.
  17. Not made specifically for the Hitman series (I think) but still amazing, Ave Maria I believe it's called; I remember hearing it a while back somewhere. Duettino - Sull'aria You may know it from the Shawshank redemption
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp7ECf_fph8 Hitman 2- Title Music
  19. Judging a map by it's screenshots is a pretty stupid thing to do, I could make a 1 minute box room of a map look brilliant by taking a screenshot of it then editing it in photoshop a little by adding some effects to it. This map could be amazing and the screenshots were just taken at random around the map which would make it appear bad. I'd think of screenshots as more of an advertiser of a map, and to indicate map progress rather than something to base judgement on (for the reason I listed above)
  20. I see what you mean, you were meaning the technique when you seal the displacements with nodraw brushes am I right?
  21. You don't texture displacements with nodraw, you just click to destroy any sides not seen instead. Texturing them with nodraw causes compile errors
  22. That might just be because of your distance from the server, but you shouldn't get any really noticeable effects from ping until it hits the 200's Choke however is most probably your problem here, I'll try and find out what can be done about that. Edit: Try setting your rates to the following: cl_cmdrate 101 cl_updaterate 101 Rate 25000
  23. Play CS against your average CS team and you'll get rage that makes these guys look like new born kittens.
  24. As I said yesterday, it's just a load of media hype just like bird flu
  25. And how the hell does that relate to anything in this thread at all? Nobody asked for views on American people.
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