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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Flipper

  1. Had similar problem few months ago, while playing game, first i got black lines over screen and after that green screen only. Tried replacing HDMI same result, even tried other monitor but it was the same green screen, tried connecting monitor to motherboard it worked fine, so i bought new GPU and everything is fine now
  2. 150-155 lol
  3. i cant play on friday
  4. CTF tournament best
  5. Flipper [CTF]Cookie
  6. Dont use Opel as ur Background picture bcs ur pc will get rusty LoL
  7. yes u can, u will get atleast double
  8. Lol no
  9. More than 50% luck
  10. yeah, i left bcs of long ntshit maps 7 mins of fucking no luck or even more on ultra marathon ffs
  11. lol no they dont like when SH lovers have some fun and enyoj in playing SH, so they will destroy it now, but when u make NTS map that is long 10 mins no1 cares #reality
  12. Dubby, dubyy, dub, dub good luck stepdub ☺☺☺
  13. Send link to me to Wessinhooo
  14. Yes, there is more ctf maps with shotting, but we played that 1 today
  15. CTF shooter 3, delete this map already, impossible to play with all these teamkillers
  16. Flipper

    Ban Flipper

  17. Flipper

    Ban Flipper

  18. Flipper

    Ban Flipper

    Hi everyone I would like to report myself bcs i was muted ingame by Nitro(rlly not usefull mod, whole time players camping in SH but he wont kill them bcs they are friends, and then i started provocating him and started spamming, to see what he will do, and ofc i got mute for that, ), and after that mute i went over to discord and i chated with players again, so i avoided mute. So u can ban me if u want or mute me for longer Cheers Flipper
  19. dont bring Voice perk back, its annoying, every1 uses it to annoy all other players ingame with their music and similar stuf
  20. i know
  21. Ingame nickname: Flipper Mapname: [CTF]Cookie
  22. Good luck Cena
  23. Flipper


    Why ban for everything? You can use other cmds
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