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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Stroth in Protest MTA RACE map price   
    Buying a map costs 1000gc since 9 july 2015, in my opinion it's too much. What do guys you think about it?
  2. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to warp. in MTA Race & MIX Map reports   
    In order to improve our servers map quality you can report here maps that are badly rated or bugged on our servers so map managers can review/delete them.
    Please refer to this format to report a map:
    Map name:
    Provide screenshot or video if possible
  3. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Cena in Screenshot + Video Thread   
    I choose Ravebreak because the other Ravebreak sucks.
  4. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to besweeet in Screenshot + Video Thread   

  5. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to warp. in Screenshot + Video Thread   
  6. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Accident in Anton /k abuse   
    I am involved. Anton killed me on race a maybe 3 months ago because I was "ramming" even though I wasn't anywhere near him. I think I might have come into contact with him 15 seconds earlier during a turn but I never intentionally rammed him, but even if I would have it's not against the rules. He thought it was hilarious though when I asked what he was doing. Now, if it's happened to both me and goldie I'm pretty sure he's done it to a lot of other players for no reason as well.
  7. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to warp. in by #NITRO   
  8. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to warp. in by #NITRO   
  9. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to BoyKa in Moderator Application by BoyKa   
    Gameserver: Mix

    Age: 18 

    Country of origin: Romania

    MTA account name (/login): BoyKa

    Link to Steam Community profile: 

    Languages able to communicate in: English/RO

    I play on this server for a while and I think it's time to take responsibility and to take care of this server , I know i make some  bad things in the past and I want  to prove that I changed my attitude , and i want to thank you all of you if you give me a small chance to prove  that I changed my atitude. Thanks admins who gave me advice about my behavior in the past and I promise not to disappoint you guys.

  10. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Ywa in Earn GCs while being ingame   
    Starting as of today we reward MTA Mix and Race players with 100 GCs per hour while being ingame. This is both when playing playing, but also when being AFK. So feel free to go AFK (use the '/afk' command in the chat) if you're leaving for a short (or longer) while!
    This feature will soon be introduced to GMod Zombie Survival as well.
    - Ywa
  11. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to race in Report Sky   
    Sky Needs Really a Ban i hate him so much
  12. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to BoyKa in Report Sky   
    I reported this Guy Sky because he is camping on the roof all the time and kill all player who work hard to win , someone should do something about this because its not fair he win all time by camping on SH .
  13. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to warp. in by #NITRO   
  14. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from Quad_Tube in Diablo666 Admin Application   
    Good Luck 
  15. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from xTurbo in Matrix Admini Applications   
    Buena suerte mi hermano          
  16. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Cena in Screenshot + Video Thread   
    Both but lets focus on the cake, yummy xD
  17. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to theMOROCCANguy in Screenshot + Video Thread   
  18. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Matrix. in Matrix Admini Applications   
    I respond eat , decides is one, not you and second got very envious of such game, I posit me x number they asked me , and finally, if I stay as manager well and if I'm not everything is fine , I think the difference is noticeable gc ..........

    thanks megas 
  19. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Matrix. in Matrix Admini Applications   
    Hi all, Im Matrix , I'm Mr.Green player Mix Server and server Mr.Green MTA Race ; I began to play Mr.Green Race since March 2012 and registered since November last year , I'm playing in server Mr.Green Mix all day and mostly Race Server Mr.Green day to night on me ,
    Why should I be especially Mr.Green administrator Mix Server, on the server that are blocking many , many insults , cheats , there are also hacks.ser admin, would help avoid these problems
    blockers, trolls, insult , cheats and hacks in Mr.Green Mix server and want no more pass another problem.
    would also help new users that the server and game modes is , many do not know and do not know who to ask or other users are cursed and do not help and tease , I long to play games " I'm a gamer from birth "

    Thanks for your time to read my Apliccation administration,
    Greetings to all users
  20. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to viiNi in Rate the song above you!   
    8/10 Pelo toque massa!

  21. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to Sp3c94 in Rate the song above you!   
    Shit music o.O 1/10

  22. Upvote
    NITROX reacted to viiNi in Rate the song above you!   

  23. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from Quad_Tube in Admin Application - NITRO   
    Thanks ;D Gracias
  24. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from Quad_Tube in Admin Application - NITRO   
    Mas mesmo assim.... Obrigado viiNi
  25. Upvote
    NITROX got a reaction from Quad_Tube in Admin Application - NITRO   
    Eu nem vou cometar viiNi, so pq vc entende mais que eu :/
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