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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by CyriusG

  1. + CarPileUp, Hero & me I also have it ! i have it too i has it to i 2 I haz gaem!
  2. Nerd because he makes the world go around. A stick vs a rock.
  3. Speaker because most headsets are crap. Audiophile vs Average listener
  4. How dare you associate my name with Greece!? Cheese
  5. some crappy TN panels have a 20000:1 contrast ratio.... Thats why i asked for help :] That is the dynamic contrast ratio which you shouldn't look at.
  6. Don't forget to make sure that you get a IPS panel and not a crappy TN panel.
  7. Neither the world would stop. Floor vs roof
  8. The Squirrel would win because Squirrel-Dude is allergic agains real squirrels. Hundred2 vs 102 cows
  9. Gabe would win! Tim Schafer vs Peter Molyneux
  10. Just a small tip, when you take screenshots make sure your video settings are at max so it looks nice.
  11. 10/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mBjG9chIFw
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