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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by CyriusG

  1. And you didn't see this part? "ENGLISH:the last time they said they could not catch the first CP and then here I bring another new map hope you like XD"
  2. It would be very annoying to turn off your overclock just because someone in-game whines about it since you would have to restart the computer, go into bios, change the settings and restart it again. Besides there is a fps limit which should make sure they don't drive too fast.
  3. Dutch forum is this way. http://forum.mr-green.nl/
  4. Looks very good, would you like to post what mods you're using?
  5. Happy birthday Vemund. :D

  6. It wasn't that bad... it's just very creepy now.
  7. 4/10 Not really my type of music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxvV75C1a2g
  8. Nice work, looks much better than other posted houses/forts.
  9. You should always program in english and you should also have your comments in english so other can read them. A bit off topic. ^^
  10. 6/10 It was okay. Have some punk.
  11. You see creepers everywhere!
  12. And how would you think it would work on a server with lots of players when you are going to drive on a thin line and don't fall down and if you do fall down everyone dies?
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