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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by CyriusG

  1. Wow you are going to scare her away if you keep acting like this...

  2. CyriusG

    Fail phisher.

    Complicated... But phishers are some of the worst people on the internet.
  3. Well what can i say? Good luck.
  4. Please don't quadro post, it's much better to just edit the first post instead of adding another post and another post and another post.
  5. You sir just got trolled.
  6. 3/10 Generic song is generic... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLzqQupzzmA
  7. Waff That's how this film was to me... Waff
  8. Are we going to have this discussion all night?
  9. When you left, it got better and better. it was awesome. I don't think so.
  10. Maybe that but i thought The Wall was easier to follow and that was a film that was considered to only make sense while you were high or drunk or maybe both.
  11. Couldn't stand more than 40min of this film. Made no sense at all.
  12. 5/10 What did i just listen to...?
  13. I would be more interesting if it wasn't so long and not with a cam...
  14. Oh, sorry was thinking about the wrong server...
  15. Yes. The country of Fenrir must be purified of all minecrafters not wearing hoods. IT IS A SIN Fenrir is gone...
  16. 1 and 2 iterations are easy-peasy compared to 3 D: Wanna do a 4 iteration? It'll be big... 81x81x81 big. You do realise a 4 iteration would hit the skybox. Not if you build both down and up.
  17. 1. Half Life 2 2. Donkey Kong Country 3. Battlefield 2 4. Battlefield 1942 5. Uncharted 2
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