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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Maher

  1. ah i need a onion quality to see this smartly
  2. Yep i agree, I remember all the noise lol
  3. I guess @Bierbuikje or @SDK or @AleksCore disabled it, or Cena maybe he knows why
  4. If you know your serial, Jack will remove it (If you knew it put it here so Jack can remove it so)
  5. Dead, Maybe try to come play with us in MTA server (Mrgreengaming mix/race)
  6. Omg best application ever I like the ban
  7. Sa, need beer?
  8. Welcome to the forums
  9. Selamun aleykum
  10. Maher


    Doesn't seem any racism here to me
  11. as
  12. Salam
  13. Maher


    Well to be fair, I agree with this report since Yassine is insulting most of his time, He shall get a mute. @Cena
  14. All hail KoMs
  15. My avatar comes from Naruto (Anime) Which its Sasuke Uchiha's eyes after he killed his brother in fight with him (Itachi Uchiha), So he knew the truth of him and he wanted for a revenage to destory the Hidden Leaf village.. He failed because naruto aleardy got him and finally made him understand. Gosh idk how much i love naruto haha
  16. Home, Home sweet home.

    Time to play MTA again! :mr-green:

    1. Gonzalezo


      Come to race onion

    2. Maher


      i missed the onion taste 

    3. Maher


      btw i only play mix, not really into race

  17. Team Yoshi = Team CnT (Most popular members in race and even in mix)
  18. Good luck p0l
  19. Le fapperitos
  20. Hey everyone, I'm off to a vacation.

    To the Dead Sea and see you all in 5 - 7 days :hi:

  21. Good luck, Onion lover!
  22. @Santiii733 @jack123 @Bierbuikje (Still, Tagging system not working via my mobile)
  23. Maher

    qrew insults

    First thing: Be respectful don't talk bad to anyone Second thing: I know it hurts, But when someone talks to me like this, I stay quiet. Third thing: I think both of you may get muted, Though both of you were breaking the rules IMO. Fourth thing; Since i'm not racist, I hate when turkish people flood the chat with their language which its annoying and many insults, However i'll always be having patience for it and if it goes more than often i will stop it as i always do.
  24. Thanks for the help Cena
  25. Ramming is allowed, Yep it's sometimes annoying. However, Admins/Managers won't take action on this cause ramming is allowed.
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