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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by r0cK

  1. r0cK

    Admin application

    Omg, same here gone to bed 7pm woke up 2am haha !
  2. r0cK

    Admin application

    Let me edit the post and put your name in it as your the master superjumper who teached me. Thanks for your opinion Goldberg, "one of the nicest guy" really? Wow thanks. Why are you still awake unlike me I just woke up 2 hours ago. Thanks once more.
  3. r0cK

    Admin application

    Haha yeah, roleplay was a great time, but nothing lasts forever. Thanks Jesus!
  4. r0cK

    Admin application

    Hi there Nitro, it's not a problem there are more people who told me they're too lazy to read through the whole thing but I'm sure the admins will so that's the biggest deal. " I'm too lazy right now to type all cute " but you just did haha thanks a lot and Merry Christmass once again \O/
  5. r0cK

    Admin application

    Oh wow, this video brings up so much emotions, I watched the whole 14 minutes because this was the best time of my MTA life. If I was spectating you at the moment you were evading the cops and you hit that lamppost I would've admin jailed you for failure of roleplaying a vehicle accident. And the jail you went to, I've been there once or twice too haha and the last time I found a way out and do some walljumps to get out of the prison (which was non rp ofcourse ) I found some old screenshots from when we were stealing cars and whe hotwired them in our private garage, force the papers and sell them for quite a cheap price. I also found an old video on my youtube channel when I did a parachute event in UnitedGaming. I also did some lottery's but seems like I deleted the video's. One of the last things I did was working for the department which you will see in the last pictures. It was such a great time And this was back in Owlgaming, also 3 years ago when I exit my garage I got thrown all the way to the airport. Oh and by the way, my names which I got for a long time were Adeline Balcaen, Aerona Balcaen and MacKenzie/Kenzie Balcaen
  6. Gooooodmorning everyone. What a beautiful day! But where is the sun? Ow yeah it's 2am. After a 14 hour MrGreen marathon my whole biological system fucked up. Atleast I can play with the americans now :P

    1. Maher


      America power 

      At least lets not forget @besweeet is birthday today.

  7. r0cK

    Admin application

    Hahaha really ^^
  8. r0cK

    Admin application

    Thanks Maher! Well well well that's not kind of you Jesus, not sure what you mean by this but www.google.com is not nice about that word It's so damn easy, once you get it you only get better and better with it. It all started back then in Valhallagaming, it was one of the most popular RP servers at that time. After I played there for 2(?) years I think the server shut down after multiple DDOS attacks, security breaches and more illegal shady stuff by jealous banned ex staff. One of the players came with the idea of rG(RootGaming) which didn't last for too long, I think only 1 year, was also taken down by the same people. The community then started another rp server which was UnitedGaming, this one lasted for another 2 years, this server shut down also after multiple DDOS attacks and then we come to the final server OwlGaming which is in his existing form till today almost going to be 3 years old, I left roleplay there with about 1 500 000 worth on my account. These were the best days I had on MTA:RP, good old time. Thanks a lot bro
  9. r0cK

    Admin application

  10. r0cK

    Admin application

    धन्यवाद भाई :-P Ayyyy Dub Dzięki, stary ^^
  11. r0cK

    Admin application

    Ok, thnx for ur reply
  12. r0cK

    Admin application

    Thankyou Jack ^^ Wat een mooi bericht, dankjewel en gohja niet altijd goed samen valt toch mee :-)
  13. r0cK

    Admin application

    Thankyou Mafiaa, really appreciate
  14. r0cK

    Admin application

    Stig funny admin, thanks man
  15. r0cK

    Admin application

    Thanks a lot MoH, your vote as senior admin is very important to me.
  16. r0cK

    Admin application

    Is that all you have to say after I put all my time in this app. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD SkyNET
  17. r0cK

    Admin application

    Thanks for your vote Santiii I might thank you for this quick response as wel
  18. Gameserver: MrGreengaming MIX Age: 21 Country of origin: Belgium Link to Steam Community profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thisisjustforatest/ Discord name **: r0cK Ingame name: KoM|r0cK Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I am 21 years old and live in Belgium, my main language is Dutch When I was 8 years old I started using a computer and discovered gaming I have 4 brothers aged 19 - 20 - 28 and 29 years old Currently I'm working in 5 shifts, including weekend so my online time is very much variable Playing Multi Theft Auto since 2009 and not knowing how to BMX superjump till 2017, thanks MrGreen (goldberg ) for teaching me. As you might know I was a die hard roleplayer before I joined the Mr. Green community. Since 2 years I quit roleplay to fully enjoy MrGreengaming as beside MTA I don't really play any other games. Now and then I joined MrGreengaming when I was bored roleplaying, but back in September 2015 I started playing MrGreen on a daily/weekly base. Quickly after my daily activities I decided to make my moderator application. 1 year later my application was accepted and now another 8 months later I would like to apply for administrator. There's a few reasons why I would like to join for the administrator team in this community. First of all I would like to tell you about my experiences being an administrator, moderator and gamemaster. Taking you back into my MTA history, like I mentioned before I was a die hard mta roleplayer, playing roleplay for about 5-6 years, few hours a day what led into big wealth and connections ingame. After some time I decided to apply for the admin team in the biggest roleplay community at that time, playercount over 150 players at the same moment. I began down the ladder as a gamemaster. A gamemaster has to teach people how to roleplay and how to use their commands. In short you had to explain them the whole game, which could take some hours. Therefore we had to create learn classes to teach these new people how to rp. After another year I applied for administrator and after some time I ended up in the lead administrator team which was a huge task at that moment. At some point one of my tasks was organizing events, this was always roleplay related. I was the head of the city department and had to break my head to make the server fun and come up with ideas for server events. This is something I would like to do here in Mr.Greengaming as well. Lately @Moh came up with ideas to create an event on the MIX server which most people liked a lot. At these times the server could fill up to 50+ players which is also good for the Mr.Green community. Therefore it was a honor helping Mo[H] with the preparations for this event. Talking about my English. I know my grammar is not always 100% and my sentences might be not correct but this is just what I've been taught myself during my journey through the roleplay life. While reading this you might be thinking what this all has to do with my administrator app here on Mr.Greengaming. It's quite simple, I just want to give you an in depth story of my MTA history and my experiences. Back to 2017, Mr.Greengaming popular in its form, attracting a few dozens of players everyday. this is the place you might find me 90% of my gaming time. As of today 3rd of May 2017 I am applying for administrator and continue to keep an eye on the Mr.Green community in it's current form. If you have any questions regarding my application or have questions in common, feel free to post below or send me a message on the forums. You can also find me on steam which is always connected with my MTA. Thank you for your consideration, r0cK
  19. MultiRoom is fun but only when there's a huge playerbase which the mix server doesn't really have at this moment. On peek moments in weekends there are maybe only 40 active players at the same moment. Which means if you have rooms there's not going to be much leftovers to play with. And I like to play with a lot of other players which makes it fun. Playing maps with only a few other players is boring. There will always be people who prefer the shooter room above NTS or DD so this 40 active players will be split in multiple rooms. This will only be fun if there's a lot more players like other multi room servers have for example. Not going to list a name here but you probably know what I mean.
  20. r0cK

    This something u like? :) 


    1. Maher


      He likes food not songs, sadly

    2. Cena


      Not bad :D 

  21. Lol, I attended like 7 maps then I got hungry so rushed to the McDonalds but when I returned the event had just ended. FUCKKKK
  22. I just fell in love with Romanian music <3


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. r0cK


      I could spend a night with the music for sure :P

    3. BlueYoshi97
    4. Maher



      Oops i said it too much, I see

      You love romania 2much, As long you remember @BoyKa

  23. @Moh @Stig
  24. Tomorrow at this time the event is taking place in MIX. If you didn't post your map yet you have a few hours left!
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