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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by r0cK

  1. @Santiii733 every day a new free game on steam? I mean why is Payday 2 free
  2. Lol Maher, rlly ^^
  3. Goodluck Maher, I kinda forgot about your hearing and I shocked reading about that again. Happy to make you feel nice when singing for you Goodluck with your moderator application Maher. Maybe it can help you in a special way to control your fap addiction idk. Greetings
  4. This is cool! I was wondering. Does it draw this line on the ghost from the best player of the map or only your own ghost?
  5. Lol


    1. Maher


      how about shisha? 


  6. Too much xtc
  7. Savage :henk::ywa


    1. Maher


      How about XB1S? ;)

    2. r0cK


      Ask your girlfriend!^^

    3. Maher


      Well honeslty i don't have a gf... YET

  8. U can come back from me!! But stop insulting idiot..................... fucking racist
  9. Every night after I go out in the nightclub

    1. Maher


      Now i see what did you do( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

    2. r0cK


      You're my special friend :)

  10. 2 seconds ago in my kitchen. Breakdancing till I die

  11. Omg u make me curious
  12. I do not agree with your statement @Moh it's good @Gonzalezo is reporting players who are blocking. Even if it's not him... blocking is not allowed so he is doing good by reporting as he did not know they were friends and were making fun.
  13. I think we need to focus more on the existing servers right now. Improving the GC shop by adding more features will definately help more. As I have 60k gc now which I bought and I don't know where to spend it on as I have everything.
  14. Damn, that's not a lot at all @Ywa as 60% of the total amount was donated by me in May. We need more donators!
  15. tbh it's pure garbage. I bought it too but the voice quality is very poor and no one uses it. PS. deleted ur double post ^^
  16. And all of the sudden a wild @Jama apears in my back.
  17. In my opinion playing with a controller gives you advantage over the normal keyboard-mouse players. And as we all know the biggest pro's in Mr.Green play with a controller including you Woozie. '' leveled playinfield " nope..
  18. r0cK

    1. Maher


      Reham is one of the most trusted person you can ever meet, 
      she gives out opinion that can help or improve any problem that is ask from her

      Well i guess being a boy is better xD

      Yeah reham is a girly name lol

  19. Work work work work work because of you I missed the event. AGAIN :N



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. r0cK


      @TheMoose weird dildo's you've seen in your life then :huh:

      @Moh -_-

    3. Maher


      My work is almost the same like you, i didn't play too!<_<

    4. Cena


      Don't blame me, it attracted me ;) @r0cK

  20. @Semert @Semert123 can u help?
  21. Have fun guys!!!!
  22. We are in a true relationship. Nobody can break us! 


    1. Gonzalezo
    2. Maher


      Gotta love the condom dealer( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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