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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by r0cK

  1. You cannot access this album This album is no longer shared with you.
  2. Okay, instead of this 7day mute make it a 30 day mute in my opinion. Seems like she doesn't give a fuck about the previous mutes and bans in the past. @MoshPit I do not think Diablo is doing any wrong here by reporting players who insult others. If you search up Mariana in discord you can see 80% of her chats are insults/rages going back till 2016. Just the fact she might be a girl makes some admins not doing their job as they are afraid they wouldn't be liked/loved anymore by this young female. It's time some serious actions are being taken against this incident. Just because if another player would act like she does, immediately action is being taken. PS. What are admins in race doing against this during their duty. There's enough active admins in race to react on this immediately. Just because multiple topics are made by Mariana already I can only make up admins in race are not doing their job or may be incredible in love with this mysterious individual.
  3. This seems like bad google translate
  4. Sneak peek of a new map I'm working on for MIX #excited #lotsofwork


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. r0cK


      Uh yes, I've got trouble with the NTS markers as you can see in the picture.

    3. Maher


      I already know before u tell me lelz

    4. r0cK


      Thanks @Mohfor helping me out with multiple problems :D

  5. r0cK

    Ban for Mariana

    @MoshPit and me made an agreement. As Moshpit is an active member in Race we decided the following. She will be banned for 24 hours and muted for 7 days straight.
  6. r0cK

    Ban for Mariana

    First of all I would thank you for all the effort you put into reporting this multiple times @ickkck2. As I had her muted yesterday for 24hrs I took action and banned her from the server. As these screenshots are from today it seems like she just started acting like always and did not learn from the mute. I have no time set on the ban so I'm not sure how long she will be banned for. Maybe we from the admin team can decide on how long she should be banned from the server.
  7. r0cK

    Ban for Mariana

    So what's wrong about that then?
  8. r0cK

    Ban for Mariana

    About the raging you're absolutely right but instead of banning a long mute could do the work as well I think.
  9. r0cK

    Ban for Mariana

    IMO this person @ickkck2 is doing a great job by reporting. As I've noticed Mariana seems not to learn from the past. He/she seems to insult quite often. But ickkck2 if you want us to take actions bring us some new screenshots/pictures and we will take care of it. Thanks
  10. A quick reminder for all of you.
  11. If I remember right I was the one who muted you on discord while you were muted or banned ingame. I will unmute you for now but keep in mind if I get one screenshot of you insulting again I will punish you even harder
  12. r0cK

    Sandysweet insults

    Okay so... First of all, @BoNd and @sweetsandy seems like you both suffer with a case of boredom. Such a drama topic about some insults towards each other. Both of you are wrong here and making it even worse in this topic. Sweetsandy you are known to be the person who likes to insult other people way too much.. This has to stop and I will punish you for that as I have to. BoNd I think you are old enough to handle such a person and ignore that. Giving attention to such people is only feeding their intention to make you angry which is a great succes if I can see reading through the topic. This is a clear case of two under aged human beings (as KID might be an asult in this situation) raging at each other in a game. A game where you can use /ignore to ignore each other. If you just used /ignore BoNd and reported the admin on duty (in this case Stig) all this bullshit was unnecessarily. So this is what I will do.. Sweetsandy, you will get a mute. (14 DAYS this is only a good punishment as you don't seem to learn from the past) BoNd, you will get a mute. (1 day as you need to keep calm and report without insulting back) #CaseClosed
  13. Hahaha genius
  14. When the map is not fully loaded. 


    1. Maher


      100% true

      fix the bug pls

  15. Nice work CEO! @BelgianCat
  16. @Flipper hope to see you in the future. Had great times with you!
  17. I was thinking about NTS too, but I'm not sure if that's possible as in NTS you always have a different speed whilst driving through the map depending on what cars you get
  18. Yes! Finally the topic is here. Great work Moh. Hope to see more convoy's in the future.
  19. haha no, we made it 2 years ago. No idea where the map file is.
  20. We made a great map together which can be played in race! Richman Roundabout
  21. You are right, that's something Chimp explained me, but as you look through the end of the video you can see some innocent players getting blocked by this incident. That's why I told chimp to report him to the admins or moderators and not take things in own hands. And 1 hour is not much tho.
  22. Marked once again as blocker, for 1 hour. He explained me the situation and I warned him not to do it again. Report again and I'll think about another punishment in the future.
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