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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by race

  1. give me 1k gc, for reroll
  2. [SH] Ma Nigga Ma nigga - Nitro i remember dah turkish play time, every day 50x bought (mr.reese : buy ma nigga ma nigga plsplspls ) [NTS] Marathon - Jededo i remember when i won it for the first time and got my first NTS Achievement [NTS] MrGreen Journey 1 - 4 - Anton best of the selfmade maps ever
  3. ive got a suggestion for getting less spammy chat L = Language chat so every country got a chat U = Global chat, Global chat for the 2 servers MGG got T = Server chat so u just chat on the map your playing Y = Team chat, chat with your team mates! i dont say Server and Global chat need English only but its just that players do lest spammy
  4. race

    Sky for president?

    Good Luck
  5. Help me getting 100 Reputation!

    3 to go,

  6. race


    well goodbye i know we had some bad times together but we had good times to! see yah
  7. indiagato
  8. putato
  9. Let dah Stockrods win!



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MegasXLR


      looks like a zombie car without eyes.

    3. race
    4. race


      zombie's and race cars arrnt te same lel

  10. bigger
  11. deutsche
  12. pokemon
  13. through
  14. @HeArTBeaT Cena got a relation with Nibje, so CnT officialy Died
  15. who can buy me this car?

    Corsa A (1).jpg

    Corsa A (2).jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. race


      and even u cant pay that ram, so why u post that link here

  16. Belgie power!


  17. stroth from german? wtf are u talking
  18. Beuving

    1. CochonAlcolique


      omg race stop posting new status every hours ! :rolleyes:

    2. race




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