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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by race

  1. Het leven is een feest.

    Maar je moet zelf de slingers ophangen!


  2. Server: MixMap name: NTS Drag Boats - RamiReason: Its a rami map, 2 checkpoints , on water just 2 boats, 1 straight lane i dont even know why this is accepted did @Cena this?
  3. ill be ussing a new Nick, and someone already locked it, so i dont know who did but i think its a old player, i am currently ussing Buurman. but i want to use Buurman, iff someone could help me? @Ywa @Flipper @SDK @AleksCore @MADKILLER! @Stig @Bob_Taylor @Goldberg @neox. @besweeet
  4. alleee das mooi dah hebde gei goed gemaakt
  5. oki
  6. and u gonna delete all tops?
  7. i know, i hated that because i got more as 1000 nicks XD
  8. Aleks, i got a question, does these count for now, or what u have earned already to?
  9. Finaly
  10. +1 he blocks me to
  11. 1. Your ingame name Velocity2. Date of your mute 17 - 9 - 20163. What game/server are you muted from MTA / Race : Mix4. Who muted you Mad5. Reason why you got banned Issues with Skynet6. Reason why we should unmute you im done, with this non-chat time, i know i treated Skynet, but it was a big fault, and i dont know why i did it, i just want to play like normaly everyone, and i am sorry skynet, but i know this is my 40~ + mute, and i know but i got a life to, and i know me and mad arrnt big friends together but still we were friends a time ago, and i hope this time can be now again ** next time i just ignore people **
  12. good english ?
  13. i am trying to do my best, but ye here under people think i cant handle it
  14. 16**
  15. Gratuliere, Wim Peeters zum Gration World Meister, Brisca F2!!1 HOPPA HOLLANDIA! H124!!

  16. ill be there to
  17. turks break's rules they need to get punnished
  18. Elena and me are just friends nothing more and boyka is a Psycho
  19. Destruction derby is american Banger is europian
  20. grandermode is F1 ( lewis and nico ) Banger racing is much better
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