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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathematic

  1. I already got it to work. I downloaded this patch, and then everything insta-worked.
  2. I do read in the README that pirated copies should work. Mine doesn't though. I guess I need to patch it to latest version. Mine just starts freezing at the first loading screen.
  3. Can I play with pirated? I think I'll like.
  4. Mathematic

    Day Z

    I ended up dead. I lost too much blood, and I couldn't find any blood packs. I hate the map, since I never really know where I am. Where can I find the patch I need to play with the others?
  5. Mathematic

    Day Z

    Your screen will lose color. When it gets really bad you'll notice. What can I do with chem lights? I have a few of them but I don't know what they're for. My first real day ended up with me wandering around for supply. I found a revolver and some rifle. I also was quite near death as I had no food for quite a while. Enough soda, but no food. Then I found some beans and that was a good moment. I hope I can play with you guys soon, what version are you guys running?
  6. Ahhhh sweet. Good to see that you made the good ol' Jarate piss joke into a good picture. One of your finest jobs. I love it. It's good.
  7. League of Rape Rape of Legends Just Rape 2 Garry's Rape.
  8. Mathematic

    Day Z

  9. I need Terraria, but if I buy it I can't pay the rent! Is there a rich good person here ?

  10. We missen je alweer! :

  11. Mathematic

    New Phone

    But that won't run whatsapp, or am I crazy.
  12. You make Christians seem even more stupid than they already are.
  13. Pic related. :3
  14. I approve. Congratulations.
  15. Mathematic


    Good luck.
  16. Word.
  17. I thought I wished you good luck already but I can't find it. :< Good luck, rawr.
  18. I still wish you good luck, whether you want it or not.
  19. Too much pictures, this thread will load in half an hour.
  20. If only I had a host to actually use a domain name.
  21. cccc-c-c-c-c-c--c-ombo breaker?

  22. Mathematic

    Day Z

    What happened to me, am I dead?
  23. Mathematic

    Day Z

    Sounds like a plan. But never let me 1v1 zombies anymore. Those laggy pieces of shit are so unpredictable.
  24. Mathematic

    Day Z

    My first day around people was a weird one if I think back of it. I finally spawned near Dr Minky, and as I headed to the directions given by him I met 2 guys. At first I thought they were Dr Minky and Awesomeo, until I heard on TeamSpeak that Minky was still looking for me. When I realized it were not the people who I thought they were, I got a blast in my face. Present Day: my bag is bleeding very heavily, and my last hope is Minky.
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