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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathematic

  1. Tom Klijbroek is right. Also, I like. Good job good.
  2. I'll watch too if I find out what time it begins for people from Dutchland.
  3. Who are you? Good luck anyways.
  4. I love you! :3

  5. Meh for games, and meh for downloading. Internet almost instantly dies if multiple people are using it. This is very bad african homosexual shit internet.
  6. How permanent is permanent if it's not permanent. :<
  7. And it means you were permanent banned, and that you should not come back!
  8. Mansen? Sounds like TehFailZoo, LOL
  9. Hello Rachel. :3

  10. We really miss you a lot, and we really want you to come back. Sometimes you really start to appreciate things when they're not there anymore.

  11. Congratulations, crowbarbydeath.

  12. Hey BlueYoshi97, you still alive bro?!
  13. How did you get banned? Because you're as naggy on league of legends as you are on minecraft?
  14. I'm lvl 30 and used to have some rating. Name is: KvdV96 Server: EUW. My main champions at the moment are Renekton, Orianna, Ryze, Lee Sin
  15. Why is that crowbar so small. The ones we got over here can easily break doors down.
  16. We got a badass over here!
  17. This has happened before. Ywa is not a LAN-virgin.
  18. Better lower it to 50, to lose those high-ping motherfuckers.
  19. Darkstar gets a kiss from Ahri the Ninetail Fox. http://bbq.to/Ahri_splash_0_9d9e.jpg
  20. They are the best on paper indeed. I never got any Donald Ducks from my parents, but I did get a small collection from someone who didn't use them anymore, and they were great.
  21. You are so screwed, better stop mining. Clavus makes mistakes. Or he's a cyborg.
  22. I bought GMod + Team Fortress 2 back in the days, so I think it's still possible. So Clavus is right.
  23. What about a map, where you can drive to a teleporter which brings you to the mode you want to play.
  24. Videos or it didn't happen. Edit: from the tournament that is.
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