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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathematic

  1. You should just play the game forwards, instead of walking backwards everywhere.
  2. Not sure if I should like it, or dislike it because it's the most boring phrase after I heard it 34872348374 times.
  3. Can he play the single player?
  4. I just noticed that topic, but hell. If only I had the powers to delete this shit, and move it there!
  5. I think there's a sasquatch in this polar bear shit.

    1. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      My good sir, you are dearly misinformed. That is actually a yeti.

    2. Mathematic


      I've never seen any better prints than this! I THINK THERE'S A SASQUATCH!!

  6. I guess it's obvious. I recommend some dutch trustworthy admins to ban those little piece of fucks.
  7. Mathematic


    Good luck!
  8. Can I join? Just question.
  9. _Mathematic.
  10. I got skype/steam/teamspeak, and I'd like to join in quite regular like every day if I'm not all alone. And I'm single.
  11. Mathematic

    Away !

    Later alligator.
  12. I might join in too.
  13. I got a prolite monitor, functioning very well I might add! This only happens in BFBC2 and in Battlefield Heroes so far, and it happens after 10 minutes of gameplay. I can play Minecraft and League of Legends without problems but that are a different kind of games.
  14. Hello, this is what happens I've had this problem so far in BFBC2 and in Battlefield heroes. Does anyone know what could be causing it and how I can get rid of it? Edit: EA is just fucking fuck shit.
  15. When I see all the recent topics are about Minecraft, I cut myself, and then try to find peace in IRC or in porn.
  16. Mathematic


    What you could also do, what is very easy and quick is tell you just want to be friends. If you just say that, she must understand it.
  17. Mathematic


    Tell you're gay, and that you would like to watch a movie with her. That should work instantly because I assume that girl you are talking about is a girl, and if you are gay that would mean you are not interested in "screwing" her. That will make her feel more safe, and it's a good excuse if her BF wants to beat you up, just say you're gay, because I bet he won't beat down a homosexual.
  18. I'd like to come, but then you guys would get arrested.
  19. *image* I saw him drawing that!
  20. Tony Montana Boy or girl?
  21. Fucking genius.
  22. Minecraft became meh after it turned from community fun into combat logging and dutch 12-old fags.
  23. Mine because I love cactus juice.
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