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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. What I meant with the post processing stuff is that if bloom's shinyness isnt toned down you're going to have a bunch of green glow on your character even when you remove the green background. And yeah np
  2. What seems to be the best solution right now for me is that wait till these games come out, check what they are like, then decide about buying them. Bunch of other cool games coming out this year anyway.
  3. EmRA

    Metro: Last Light

    Yeah right now it feels like it's not going to be as good as the original. Still worth checking out I think.
  4. EmRA

    Metro: Last Light

    a little bit late on this one sorry
  5. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=38175 remember to turn bloom so it doesnt make stuff shiny from the Post Processing.
  6. k ill upload some poses not seen on l4g hold on to keep me posting poses in the future, I suggest on giving feedback HUGE AMOUNT OF IMAGES Cool stuff: Ha ha so randum xD
  7. I think it's more of proof to lower the max player count rather than getting someone banned.
  8. OK shorts one this time aroun guys.... OK.
  9. already taken you berry crazed fools hands off my numbers
  10. Why wasn't this specified in the OP? I'll pick 42 then
  11. Couldn't you just have used the old thread then? Seriously stop making threads for every occasion. Anyway number 413 please
  12. EmRA

    The Big Attack

  13. Notch is a fucking hero http://notch.tumblr.com/post/9038258448/hey-bethesda-lets-settle-this
  14. There haven't been arguements about origin for weeks what are you talking about? As for the rest of your post.. what?
  15. oooooooh boy http://twitter.com/#!/L_Twin/status/103496117500657664
  16. More than 3 control points? *tears of joy*
  17. Yeah who cares if its origin you can't just simply not buy this game
  18. Das some sky fhy shit yo Also cal is still ok yay
  19. Or stop taking games seriously.
  20. Yeah you might want to tone it down. Maybe change it to a completely new effect.
  21. Why should the gamemode encourage only playing on one team?
  22. Yeah on the first video he was pretty close to normal hitting distance, however the hacking is pretty clear in the other videos you posted. No need to angry over that, if you look at previous posts on this thread and the Bans/Unbans section, you'll see many hackers are banned with enough proof. I'm sure this hacker will be banned now that you posted clear evidence (good job on that!). In the future, use this section for ban/unban related matters.
  23. The Road
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