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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. yeah why a new map when people have just got their shit settled
  2. The thing is, everyone is building unpenetrable watercubes because of those mountains. And I don't want that. No. Those cubes where there before everyone started start mountaining. In the last map one of the only big factions with a normal base was pistoners and the rest where just cubes. Mungol base became a beautiful cube after mountaining.
  3. *blesses zunz slowly and steadily*

  4. The controls are great in my opinion, doesn't feel like you're piloting a mecha like I did in arma. Recommended
  5. zunz do you even follow the forums or anything at all

  6. aviable for pre-load now, going to be released late today/early tomorrow.
  7. EmRA


    im pretty sure all the dates so far have just been assumptions, people just take those as facts for some reason.
  8. EmRA


    yeah its officially coming out on 12th (at earliest) of course its buggy
  9. EmRA


    But notch I was going to sleep today dat swamp biome dat underwater particle effects dat ca- nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope
  10. 4/10, too slowpaced in my opinion.
  11. I can play the intro of Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple on guitar.
  12. 8/10, was pretty lame at start, then it got awesome.
  13. where has this tool been all my life
  14. check out my super artisticness
  15. EmRA


    Yeah what a bunch of fucking faggots interacting with their community like that instead of keeping us in the shadow also was this posted yet https://twitter.com/#!/jeb_/status/111473590112763905
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. Nice songs
  18. Don't forget the amazing voice acting
  19. also http://twitter.com/#!/jeb_/status/108812676288884736
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