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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. Here we see a soldier of the best faction ever. Can you guess? Hint:
  2. EmRA


    Bumb, have some tutorial videos. Brink is coming out May 17th!
  3. What exactly does it do and how fast? Could be nasty to get your support broken if you were still working on something.
  4. Yeah pufulet you show them your interior decoration skills you show them
  5. whats wrong with bags
  6. Mungol & MCrew VS. Batman it was glorious
  7. EmRA

    Portal 2 - leak

    FIRST PERSONE CINEMATICK ITI S SO MIRUR EDOG ugh so much argue in this thread and people not using spoiler tags anyway I just beat it, amazing ending
  8. didnt you draw that like months ago
  9. From lavafilled spawnpoints, to glorious villages and even nations, to a civil war. to glorious villages and even nations, to a civil war. to a civil war. civil war. civil war.
  10. Let us all stand up and have a moment to remember the best server on Glorious Equal Community of Left4Green. And let us remember it's citizens, those blocky people and their adventures in the land of fenrir. From lavafilled spawnpoints, to glorious villages and even nations, to a civil war. Left4Green's minecraft server, you will be missed.
  11. this is a classic and no matter what people say I still think rubberfruit is amazing
  12. EmRA


    I agree, but it looks way too good gameplaywise to let it pass.
  13. Zombie survival shouldnt have balanced gameplay in my opinion. Winning a round as human should be a miracle
  14. I know its in classic, but thats just freebie african american faggotry so it doesnt count
  15. EmRA


    Introduction Brink is an upcoming first person shooter game taking place in a city called The Ark in the year 2045. The Ark is what we would call a perfect city: renewable resources, no pollution. Outer world is flooded, and The Ark is the only known human settlement left on earth. After the earth flooded, thousands of refugees started to show up to The Ark. The Ark was originally built for only couple of thousand people, it's population multipled dramatically as the earth flooded. Due to the population being much larger than the amount it was originally intended for, The Ark is in brink of a civil war. Who is fighting? In Brink there are two sides: Security and Resistance. Security was originally just a small security force, but as the refugees showed up it quickly arose to a big anti-terrorist group to get the situation under control. They are well equipped and look much like police/military forces today, with slight futuristic touch. You could see them as the well-armed police of The Ark, trying to return order. Resistance, however, is the faction built from the refugees that showed up after the earth flooded. Their equipment is mainly makeshift or scavenged, so if you like post apoc stuff you're going to love these guys. When they got to The Ark they were given the shitty and dangerous jobs, and yet they live in poor conditions. Resistance is fighting for fair and equal distribution of resources. Gameplay Brink features singleplayer, 8 player co-op and 16 player multiplayer. You can use and level up the same character in each of these. It is a class-based shooter and features 4 different classes: Soldier, Medic, Engineer and Operative. You can also choose between three different bodytypes: Light, Normal and Heavy. Light being mobile but low health and can't handle the big guns, heavy being the opposite. SMART Stands for Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain. It plays out much like what you have seen in Mirror's Edge or Assassin's Creed. SMART allows you to do various sorts of parkour like movements depending on where you're looking at when the key is pressed down. Character/Weapon Customization Brink introduces wide chararacter- and weapon customization to personalize your soldier with. Stuff from beards to jacket to voice to tattoos (tattoos are, from what I hear, permanent and you can't remove them if you choose to give your character one.) Weapon customization features stuff like magazines, sights, front grips and silencers (and prodably bunch of cosmetic stuff too). Videos Cinematic Trailer Character Customization A Choir of Guns A Matter of Class Paul Wegwood interview (Brand new!) Images Screenshots: Concept Art: Release date & other info Brink is being developed by Splash Damage and is going to be published by Bethesda Softworks. It is set to be released on May 13th for Windows, Xbox360 and PS3. System Requirements Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz processor or equivalent Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA 8800GS / ATI Radeon HD 2900 Pro or equivalent OS: Windows XP (SP3)/ Vista / Windows 7 Space: 8 GB hard disk space
  16. Fixd didnt know there was normal rain in survival before
  17. Back. No wonder those guys are fat their fast food is delicious as hell
  18. brb New York cya in about a week unless aliens attack/some weirdass virus comes/eastern-european criminals kill me
  19. EmRA

    'Dat Cave'

    Yeah you guys are retarded its obviously a cave with some cart tracks
  20. Rain? Finally. Snow? Welcome back.
  22. EmRA

    'Dat Cave'

    sorry, fixed it now.
  23. EmRA

    'Dat Cave'

    It makes way more sense you can imagine than any of your maps no offense
  24. EmRA

    'Dat Cave'

    Thoughts? Yes. DO IT.
  25. the belt is holding his sword along that black strap thing (which is why the sword is hanging so low)
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