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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. EmRA

    My desktop

  2. mfw people say stuff like that about l4g regulars who have been around for years. especially when it's about the most trustworthy ones
  3. It's still ten times more official than the whole OP combined. I'm really curious to see how have they done the destruction, even when sometimes total destruction is a bit silly (whats the point on capturing pile of concrete rubble?).
  4. Fuck yes. I just hope it will be a battlefield, not bad company. Squirrel, could you specify which ones are fake? I am sort of confused.
  5. "Looks like somebody made a..." "..LETHAL COMBINATION."
  6. Why are you assuming anyone would like it? It's not my fault everyone entering the server gets/got whitelisted without any way of knowing how will they behave.
  7. I think it's because certain people don't realize Minecraft is a sandbox game, making it easy to grief. It's like we would make 24/7 Garry's Mod building server without any kind of prop protection and then expect all the buildings be there like you left them the next morning.
  8. Okay my last dream wasnt as fucked up as the dreams I usually remember are and this one didn't even have any NSFW material. But then again I don't remember much of it now anyway. So I'm off to a 30km long journey to the wilderness from my Dad's house. Suddenly I'm already halfway through and then I'm suddenly at the last part, but my map was inaccurate and theres huge puddle of shit in my way (which looks more like meatball sauce to me, it even had the fuckin meatballs, but in the dream I thought it was shit), next thing I know I'm walking waistdeep in meatball sauce. As I get back to the yard of my dad's house, my old dead dog comes to greet me and I tell that I haven't seen him in a while. Next thing I know I'm in a car with my mom, stepdad and brothers. There's a curve in the road I haven't seen before and suddenly I'm in motherfucking Chile, up in some mountain where gravity is like a moon. Theres some indians building stairs, and I decide to walk them up. When I'm at the top I realize they are made out of these tiny wooden blocks that arent even attached to eachother. I panic and run back down (or jump more rather, thank dream for low gravity) as fast as possible. Then I eat some baguette. There prodably was more to it but I can't remember anything else.
  9. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Makarov's Wrath
  10. Glaciers arent that cubey I think. Yeah I'm pretty sure they aren't.
  11. Hairybastard was nice enough to edit it.
  12. From my experience posing in program such as 3dsmax is a lot easier than Gmod for example. But I guess it's just matter of practising. You should google an image with the pose you want to do and try copying it in the pose. Could I try one of the rigs (assuming theyre 3dsmax)?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB_Safe9QAs Hundred2 sent me this song because he is lovely <3 Some well prepared post apoc guys walk around not giving a fuck
  14. I've had this too in couple of topics. I wonder what it is.
  15. Interior looks really nice actually.
  16. assuming that stuff I touch turn invisible too, I would rob like a motherfucker
  17. I like how you made all the minerals be able to be around at the sky islands. Because finding diamonds on the surface just is nice. Could use more trees though.
  18. Just checked it, cool beans yo. I hope you like removing 1 block towers though.
  19. The Jestermummy, combination of EmRA's and Lemon's creativeness. Lemon's view on Jesterdummy coming if he wishes to do so.
  20. Chocolate, I'll just save the rest for later. Would you rather fly a helicopter or a plane?
  21. For players, advertise elsewhere. For L4G players, PM or Steam or something
  22. just download skylands also if you can get biometerrain mod working, I recall someone posting settings which create sky islands, hold on. Here it is, havent tried it myself so not sure if work:
  23. YOU deliver a FLYING DROPKICK. MYSTERIOUS PIPE GUY is not MOVING. MYSTERIOUS PIPE GUY is DEAD! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HM85d2fXJrc You DEFEAT MYSTERIOUS PIPE GUY! Your BEARD is now LEVEL 2!! You get a METAL PIPE. You get a DART. You get a DART. Here is your current EQUIPMENT & INVENTORY. Notice that your DARTS aren't currently STACKING. This is because you don't have anything equipped to put them in to. FINDING or CRAFTING something to hold AMMUNITION for your RANGED WEAPONS is ADVICED. Now that you have some sense of your SURROUNDINGS, have a BIRD EYE VIEW of the AREA. To the NORTHWEST is wherever that SUSPICIOUS SIGN is trying to GUIDE YOU. To the NORTHEAST is more ROAD, leading somewhere. To the EAST is an UNEXPLORED BUILDING. Perhaps you could find supplies there? To the SOUTHEAST is a DESTROYED BUILDING. Whatever lies UNDER that RUBBLE is not something you can't get your hands in to right now. You would need some EXPLOSIVES. To the SOUTHWEST is where you came from, the GREENCOIN MEGASTORE. There might be something else further down the road though.
  24. It's a shame that these days "good" seems to mean "most marketed"
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