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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. I just want the chunk error shit fixed. Happens every single time I go attack someone.
  2. Either someone creepered your place or you got killed many enough times so they just claimed your land.
  3. You also read the text not just slap the buttons
  4. bunp with more ill beats also check out this hilarious MSPA related webcomic: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/sweetbroandhellajeff/ (read some homestuck to find out its origins!)
  5. Kind of what Also gz have something terrible: (hint: that was sarcasm the picture is amazing)
  6. Did you actually read one of them or did you just give up after 10 pages and place your judgement on that?
  7. Yeah, only the STRONG can challenge the archive hell. But it's worth it ok hundred wanted thought we needed a thread music
  8. MS Paint Adventures is a website created by Andrew Hussie. It features various interactive adventures, which most people consider as webcomics as well. Pictures are a bit different compared to normal comics/webcomics though, as the art is shown as animated gifs and flash animations/games in addition to normal pictures. Currently the site hosts 4 different adventures: Homestuck[iN PROGRESS] Homestuck is a story about John Egbert and his friends who start playing a game together. That, however is just the starting point for the story. It is so far the largest adventure on MS Paint Adventures, and is known for it's occasional flash animations and games, as well as amazing music. Homestuck isn't that interactive as the previous adventures have been, but it is still developed on the go. Currently it is still in progress, and has 3000+ pages. Problem Sleuth[FINISHED] In Problem Sleuth players took part of a hardboiled detective with the same name as the title. However, it appears that he is trapped in his own office, and of course, has to get out. This story is finished and has over 1000 pages. Other adventures are Jailbreak and Bard Quest, but I never have bothered reading them myself as they are really short and have never been finished (and prodably never will). Even though the adventures tend to be long, I recommend giving them a go when you happen to be bored or otherwise interested in reading them.
  9. Hell doesn't exist Winner glasses:
  10. Well theres a good reason not to do any of that pvp you hate so much.
  11. Speaking of faction spawnpoints, there should be some sort of respawn time, which increases as you get killed multiple times in a short amount of time. So you could actually attack someone without them coming back to hump your ass every 5 seconds. Also people wouldnt put their spawns right next to treasure chests and such and make some sort of spawn rooms.
  12. Fight back edit: also read the thread title again
  13. I tried, strong as bedrock
  14. I just found this out in the wild When I tried to open it I got this The link led me to this: http://www.minecraft.net/store/loot.jsp Well played Mojang, well played.
  15. EmRA

    yldneirf cibarA

    القرف الملك الصفحة، والمحتوى آخر!
  16. EmRA

    yldneirf cibarA

    تعلم الكلام سخيف مثل أصدقائنا الجديدة القيام به. قليلا من الاحترام، رجل. وقحا لذلك.
  17. EmRA

    yldneirf cibarA

    اليهود (من العبرية יהודי، اسم نسبة ليهوذا، من أبناء يعقوب) هم أبناء شعب أو قومية يتميزون بأتباع الدين اليهودي، أو بالثقافة والتراث النابعة من هذا الدين. يعتبر اليهود العصريين أنفسهم من نسل أهالي مملكة يهوذا الذين كانوا ينسبون إلى أربعة من بين أسباط بني إسرائيل الإثني عشر: يهوذا،
  18. EmRA

    yldneirf cibarA

    القداد السوري يعيش في البرية منفرداً، وقد يحارب حتى الموت عند احتلال أي قداد لمخبئه. تبقى الأقداد تحت الأرض طوال النهار، فيما عدا من بضعة أوقات الغروب حين تبحث عن طعامها. كل الأقداد حفارات ممتازة، وتبني الغرف تحت الأرض للنوم وحفظ الطعام وغير ذلك من الإحتياجات. لاتقوم
  19. EmRA

    yldneirf cibarA

    السرطان بشكل عام هو نوع من الأمراض يجعل الخلايا المصابة به تنمو وتتغيير، وتتضاعف بصورة خارجة عن نطاق السيطرة. ويعطي السرطان مسمى الجزء الذي بدأ منه، فسرطان الثدي يعني عدم انتظام نم وتكاثر وانتشار الخلايا التي تنشأ في أنسجة الثدي. ومجموعة الخلايا المصابة والتي تنقسم
  20. My dog just died and pufulet just thinks about new maps Also just encountered a brown sheep
  21. Protip: don't tame your wolves nighttime, I just lost my first wolf to a bunch of skeletons payback time
  22. 1.4 is out
  23. 3/10 It's like that techno song I've heard tons of times before but with a different name.
  24. Or effort Or teamwork
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