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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. Man, anyone remember T.U.G.? Can't remember who all were in it, other than me and bean.
  2. How do you folks make those buildings so round?
  3. Heavildin, Fezscout and Trumpetheavy are at it again.
  4. EmRA


    It didn't let me vote unless I voted one on each of the questions, so I voted on all of the whatdrugsdoyouuse one athough I dont use any.
  5. Hey guys, did you know sun is pretty hot?
  6. Whats wrong with the singleplayer? Only bad side I've seen in previous CoDs has been thats its been really short, but I didn't mind it myself that much. And its been said that this CoD will be longer. True or false, time will tell.
  7. In case you guys didn't know, nazi zombies is confirmed to return. Damn marketing got me again, I can't wait.
  8. EmRA

    Minecraft Clan

    Hell no bro we do competitive building Also only kill pigs with headshots (noscopes of course)
  9. We aint telling you shit boeh go and buy the game EDIT: Just got to Nether myself, jesus christ. I think the pigmen are fallen minecrafters, thats why they dont attack you at first
  10. EmRA

    Minecraft Clan

  11. Revol, learn to read. Also, Sammich Bros:
  12. Also, whats wrong with you people not understanding it's Minecraft Alpha?
  13. What in it is shit? How to improve? He can't improve if he doesn't know what to improve on.
  14. Loved it. This video actually made me subscribe. I think you do alot better with these kind of videos with plot and all instead of stuff like Gmod Epic Show.
  15. thats some tasty shit right there but for some reason its really expansive here :l Yeah I only eat it rarely myself, but since we're talking about our favorite cereal I picked lion.
  16. This shit right here
  17. The least you could do is to add link to the generator in the OP. Also this is so old cavemen used to draw about it in their cavedrawings
  18. Being a doublepussy neutralizes manliness I am afraid. No you do not have lasershields to block it shut up
  19. Too bad you cheat for your tnt, making you a doublepussy. Man up bro
  20. of here stalker
  21. Yes, and thats what I meant.
  22. You do know that the map generates as you explore it?
  23. I started a new map this week, preparing for the update (and not exploring until the update comes out).
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