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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by EmRA

  1. I would like to remind you of the fact that Call of Duty: Black Ops never aimed for realism, you wield fucking in the game. Keeping that in mind, and that the game is about fictional bestofthebest soldiers, I'm pretty sure they can have access to prototype versions of Steyr AUG in the fictional version of 1960's.
  2. Silly vietnamese, you're not supposed to sunbath indoors with your clothes on.
  3. Its not anymore. Clavus moved it to Quickies section Thank god. And Clavus
  4. Don't all Valve games these days run on the same engine, released with HL2 back in 2004? C'mon guys.
  5. Why is this in artists corner?
  6. fuu fuu, won't be able to play this until this evening. gottam
  7. I'm going to play the singleplayer first, then multiplayer. And I'm going to enjoy every drop of juice out of it, no rushing. Those srsfags can go and waste their time rushing to the max prestige, but main point for me is to enjoy it.
  8. Watch the earlier parts if you haven't yet.
  9. I was referring to VMR posting a video that was on the same page, I just forgot to quote it. Sorry
  10. How lazy can you be not to even check the page youre posting to?
  11. EmRA

    Lets play Tetris

  12. You didnt realize that when World at War came out? It's activision. Anyhow, Black Ops thread, not CoD in general. Let's talk about black ops. It's coming this tuesday, (which is real soon) whos gonna buy it?
  13. EmRA

    Lets play Tetris

    Let's do this What the fuck is this thing doing
  14. They are not my models, only kind of model I can do is boxes. I only animated them.
  15. No 64 player battles? I'd rather play normal BF2 then.
  16. No BttF 2? aw.
  17. Screw you EU and ZSP sissies, TUG was where the real shit was at.
  18. Just did this one for the fun of it, no srsbsns here
  19. "Whichever the case, our minecraft server was first on Fenrir, and thus I like to call the planet/country we build at Fenrir"
  20. Whichever the case, our minecraft server was first on Fenrir, and thus I like to call the planet/country we build at Fenrir
  21. Are we watching anything this weekend? Would be sweet to see BttF 2.
  22. Yes. The country of Fenrir must be purified of all minecrafters not wearing hoods. IT IS A SIN
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