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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. Post your thoughts about pyro's true self and discuss about them.

    The use for the topic.

    I agree with the mexican one if pyro would be human (liked it the most too until I realized the alien one)

  2. inb4 emra's topicsperminute rage

    What is behind that mask? Is it a scouts mother? the annoucer? ywa? rainbows?

    Post your thoughts about pyro's true self and discuss about them.

    Here is mine:


    Pyro is not who, it's what. Pyro is a vehicle for the species called Triboniophorus tyrannus (see the hat released in the recent update for him, it's one of them taking some fresh air)


    Discuss ontopic and post your own theories here, rage about something else (such as peanuts or my face) with PM.

  3. Good people, if you haven't noticed, last day to enter this competition is this sunday.

    Remember my dear friends: The posing doesn't need to be the best ever, the idea is what matters.

    Also, even if you won't get the grand prize, keep in mind that even at the 3rd place (which isnt too hard to achive with this amount of contestants) gets 500 gc.

    I BELIVE IN YOU Finland.gif

  4. Also, EmRA, that your pic reminds me of me :(. The last one...

    Just a gibus is a bit annoying, but I don't mind it.

    And as far as I know, you're not BLU nor fanboi.

    As in, combination of FaN, gibus and BLU is raeg. BLU and gibus alone can't launch it, they need FaN, as FaN is cause (scattergun being the solution) to all of life's problems

  5. ...And my axe. Scattergun I mean.

    EmRA ready for Scout/Medic/Solly duties. I'd love to do engy but my strategies for that are too risky for that.

    EDIT: You do get medal even if you fail horribly right?

  6. I don't really count the times, depends on the amount of stuff in the picture. 30 mins to 2 hours maybe.

    And nah, I'll keep the topics coming a bit less, seeing the amount of rage unleashed no matter the content.

    EDIT: Ninja'd by Lemon goddamn

    Anyhow, something you all want: MOAR!

    "Hohoho, that slaps me on the kn-" -BLU Heavy before getting backstabbed.


    Scout and Heavy by me, spy by Lemon. Characters on the bg were done by us both, fixing our mistakes here and there.

    "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" -RED Scout while feeling urine making his pants wet.


    Scout by me, Spy by Lemon. Background characters done by both.

  7. No, it's just you guys (if sneed isn't the only one) getting mad at everything I do.

    I used to make the topics the facepunch style, you whined, I listened, as my drawings weren't deserving their own thread.

    I started posting them on the artistic stuff thread.

    Then (did I forget some part, I feel like I did) I saw hundy's and peon's pose thread, I got the idea wrong and posted some poses there. You whined, I listened, seeing that making your own topic with your friend was alright, we did, and with a new twist (posed the pic on the same server, you don't see that everyday)

    Please, if you want to cry about few threads at section thats inactive as it is, make own thread for it, or cry about it on PM, stop posting that shit on my/other people's threads unless you're going to comment on the actual pictures.

    Thank you. cheers.gif

  8. I think this is a good thing.

    I don't know about norwegian culture tho, heard people are kinda violent there.

    Anyhow, I wasn't really given any sort of spanking or punches, dad just used to scare the fuck out of me, or lock me in the cellar for 3-5 hours (would have been longer but my mom always let me out when she came home from work).

    But then again, I'm not that manly armyready professional healthy kid you'd wish your kid to become.

    You can't control your kid's life, nor his feelings. Spanking might teach one kid, another might get butthurt and start doing stuff you don't want him to.

    Violence doesn't solve everything, but it sure does leave mark on them.

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