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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. If I have to, I shoot people aswell, but I love the feeling when you could've killed someone, but just let him pass >:]

    I thought I was the only person who likes doing that.

    I wish I could pley some bc2 too, but as most of you fellas prodably heard, the game is my lil bro's and he is faggot about it.

    I wish bc2 would have decent mp and 64 players tho :U

  2. It's not finished yet. And I don't know if it will be finished soon. The coming update will include 1 new class and a few updates ones though. :)

    There is actually going to be one? I thought I-make-wraith-useless class was up next.

  3. -1 to the above.

    +1 to VIP idea, but not changing the whole gamemode ...

    @botervloot we already gain GC, which we can buy stuff :P

    +1 to boter's idea. XP is always addicting motherfucker.

    GC is a different thing, we could even make shop item that makes you gain xp faster :U

    Plus you'll hear sexy-ass levelup sounds (as long as they are sexy) every now and then.

    I can't see any downsides.

    Dont make XP, make more achevments.

    Make both.

    IW use achevments to unlock more classes. And i hope Clavus keep it like that. What we need a XP system for?

    We don't need it, it is, like video games usually are, for fun.

    XP system could just be a thing that shows your rank, without giving any unlocks.

    As in, purely epeen.

  4. -1 to the above.

    +1 to VIP idea, but not changing the whole gamemode ...

    @botervloot we already gain GC, which we can buy stuff :P

    +1 to boter's idea. XP is always addicting motherfucker.

    GC is a different thing, we could even make shop item that makes you gain xp faster :U

    Plus you'll hear sexy-ass levelup sounds (as long as they are sexy) every now and then.

    I can't see any downsides.

    Dont make XP, make more achevments.

    Make both.

  5. Original gametypes usually make it too complicated. It should be simple, like VIP, CTF and such.

    Also, what about new weapon unlocks?

    Maybe gain XP like in MW2 (:V)

    It's stupid, but very addicting

    -1 to the above.

    +1 to VIP idea, but not changing the whole gamemode ...

    @botervloot we already gain GC, which we can buy stuff :P

    +1 to boter's idea. XP is always addicting motherfucker.

    GC is a different thing, we could even make shop item that makes you gain xp faster :U

    Plus you'll hear sexy-ass levelup sounds (as long as they are sexy) every now and then.

    I can't see any downsides.

  6. No MW2 styled shit, please.

    Because only MW2 has helicopters and bombsites.

    BC2 has helicopters too an M'Com stations which are like bombsites :).

    Thats what I meant dumdum.

    Original gametypes usually make it too complicated. It should be simple, like VIP, CTF and such.

    Also, what about new weapon unlocks?

  7. What I envisioned for the helicopter was combining the scripted flyable helicopters with weapon seats welded to em. If you combine this with a large open map with a small undead infested town in the middle that needs to be infiltrated, epicness ensues (at least in my imagination).

    Fuck yeah.

    But, it should have specific maps made for those gamemodes, while still keeping the old IW there.

    Some demolitionlike gamemode with that setup seems interesting.

    What about the town having 4-6 bomb sites, and only some of them need to be destroyed?

    As infected got respawns and humans don't.

  8. I like the idea of objective based maps, but the question is, how would they work?

    Special Forces have though time surviving the game as it is (atleast last time I played)

    Same goes for helicopter, I fucking love the idea, but how would it work?

    If you want new infected types, what about a zombie that can fly, but has low/med hp and doesn't have any firearms.

    Attacking would happen while midair, and grabbing an enemy for few seconds, then dropping it.

  9. Oney, the creator of such films such as Left 4 Speed and Left 4 Speed 2, recently released sequel to his series Leo & Satan.

    Here is the first one if you haven't seen it:

    Now the actual flash I made this topic for:


  10. Change "Tier 1" into "Taskforce 141" and see how the story is still familiar....

    Well at least Tier 1 actually exists, unlike some "Taskforce 141". And the player is not fictional character in MoH.

    Only thing I see is that they are both tacticool higly trained operatorrs.

    The difference being that Tier 1 seems 10 times more badass.

    I will definedly do the singleplayer, just like in mw2 and bc2, but we have yet to see if the multiplayer is normal on this one, or again some retarded new clusterfuck bullshit.

    Seriously, why do they fuck up the multiplayer on newer games on purpose?

  11. We smoke because we want to, cause we find it relaxing and enjoy smoking while in company with other people.

    I hated smoking in a group. Mainly because there was always that 50% who didnt have their own cigarettes and kept begging for one until you gave them one.

    Which made me only smoke on way to school/out of it.

    Then I decided to stop completely.

    For myself, it was the relaxing feel it gave.

  12. Lol, didn't even know anyone here smoked. Keeps surprising me sometimes. Anyway, good luck keeping it up :P

    I don't drink, don't smoke, and don't do drugs. All because I wouldn't know why I should.

    Same for me at the moment.

    Been almost a year since the last time I was drunk. :yeah:

  13. Fuck yeah, I did.

    Been without a single cigarette for almost a week now.

    And to every smoker, I recommend quitting if/while you still can!

    Now I shall wait until I have a bit more age so smoking pipe won't look retarded.

    Take that, lung cancer!


    Also bein a christian and not smoking makes me double awesome now

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