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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. Today me and Lemon decided to try if posing together on the same server would work out any good. Seems like it did.

    This topic is for gmod poses made by me and Lemon, done together or alone.


    Scout enjoys his chocolate. Scout posed by me, Soldier, Heavy, Engineer and Spy posed by Lemon.


    Because me and Lemon are such badasses, we need some new gear.

    Scout posed and geared by me, Spy posed and geared by Lemon.

    More to come..?

  2. What should he say then? I think "GOT ONE!" or something smilar is more likely than "OH MAN I JUST KILLED A MAN I HOPE HIS FAMILY WONT MIND THIS WILL HURT MY FEELINGS :("

    You're ignoring the fact they enjoy killing.

    Thats what I meant, just because they sound like they enjoy it doesnt mean they do.

    Even when they are yelling "Come oon let us engage" like kids wanting candy.

    Notte, real world =/= modern warfare/bad company

    I think you are the one forgetting real world isn't like games. Ofcourse they shouldn't be all like "OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE" because that's what they're recruited for. What they SHOULD be like is a simple "Suspects down", "Hostiles down" or something like that. Also, something like this would be more acceptable in say, WWII. The soldiers there were in danger all the time, it was really fighting to survive. This isn't. This is a guy sitting in a command center using a drone to do the dirty work for him, desperate for a kill.

    So you're telling me that you are a insane killer if you don't use funky codenames and try to get your thoughts away from the actual killing by saying wow at how accurate your shot was?

    And how is killing civilians and then laughing at it more accepectable in 1940s?

    Of course, the men on the video aren't normal.

  3. What should he say then? I think "GOT ONE!" or something smilar is more likely than "OH MAN I JUST KILLED A MAN I HOPE HIS FAMILY WONT MIND THIS WILL HURT MY FEELINGS :("

    You're ignoring the fact they enjoy killing.

    Thats what I meant, just because they sound like they enjoy it doesnt mean they do.

    Even when they are yelling "Come oon let us engage" like kids wanting candy.

    Notte, real world =/= modern warfare/bad company

  4. I do read the Donald Duck, but it's not like all countries get the exact same comic every week.

    Im pretty sure this ones been on every country.


    How can you know? Do you read every Donald Duck in every language?

    Because it's Carl Barks.

  5. I do read the Donald Duck, but it's not like all countries get the exact same comic every week.

    I don't rememember the last time I saw that on a in the weekly donald duck magazine here.

    It's mainly just joke amongst finnish DD fans.

  6. Mind+Blown.jpg

    Oh c'mon! You people ever read Donald Duck? This one is a classic!

    It's classic among finnish people. These people prodably have no idea whats going on, and prodably don't even care.

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